International Exhibition of Inventions
Gdansk, Poland, 17-19. October 2001
Organised by: Gdansk International Fair Co.

The Hungarian show:
Fodor, Dezső:
Micro mill
Gyarmathyné, Nemes Erzsébet dr.:
Salt mixture of low sodium content
László et al.:: Silicate
granules from glass waste (Geofil bubbles)
Maruzsi, László:
Part for building to easy contractor's works
Nádas, Béla dr.: Scissors-arm
type shaft coupling
Németh, Béla:
Artificial resin slab
Pintér, Kálmán et al:
Regeneration of glycol based anti-freeze liquids with mobile equipment
Sike, Valéria: Character
building set
Miklós at al.: Eco-apartment
Vas Géza:
Concrete building blocks (2 inventions) and concrete block moulding machine
Virtual show:
The IFIS IFIA Internet Inventions Store and GENIUS 2001 invention offers on computer
Activity of ITDH:
Hungarian Investment and Trade Development Agency
ITDH – Password for Hungary
ITDH, an advisory and servicing organisation with an
extensive domestic and foreign office network and information base, is jointly operated
and supervised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
ITDH’s activities contribute to fulfilling the following economic programmes:
- to increase Hungarian exports and expand markets
- to support small and medium-sized enterprises in their
activity in foreign markets
- to promote their activity as subcontractors and their FDI
- to promote foreign green-field investments in Hungary
- to develop regions currently at a disadvantage
- to participate in the preparations for the EU accession
Visit the Agency’s homepage at
The Hungarian show had been
sponsored by:
SPWIR Sssociation of
Polish Inventors and Racionalisers