Inventors World Meeting - An Account

Sponsors, Most important organisations


WIPO-IFIA International Symposium on Inventors and Information Technology

March 16-19, 1998
House of Technics, Budapest, V. Kossuth Lajos tér 6/8.
Jointly organised by: the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and the International Federation of Inventors' Associations (IFIA) with the cooperation of the Association of the Hungarian Inventors and the Hungarian Patent Office

Texsts of presetations

Photos of the Symposium

Photos of the SBG&K Reception

Jubilee IFIA General Assembly

March 18, 1998
House of Technics, Budapest, V. Kossuth Lajos tér 6/8.
Organised by: International Federation of Inventors' Associations (IFIA)

Intriducing Mr. Farag Moussa, President of IFIA

Celebration of IFIA's Jubilee

March 18, 1998, 19 hours
Vigadó Palace, Budapest, V. Vigadó tér 2.
Organised by: Association of the Hungarian Inventors

IFIA 30 Fanfare by Daniel Vedres (MID format)

Inventors' Olympic Games - Genius '98 International Invention Exhibition

March 19-22, 1998
Olympic Hall, Budapest, Népstadion, XIV. Istvánmezei u. 1/3.
Organised by: the Association of the Hungarian Inventors with the cooperation of the Hungarian Patent Office, Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, National Committee for Technological Development, Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hungarian Association for Innovation, Puskás Tivadar Foundation, Federation of Technical and Scientific Society, Hungarian Association for Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright, Alfa Television

Nominated countries

The winners

Photos of the Olympics