PROGRAM House of Technics, Budapest, V.
Kossuth tér 6/8
Monday, March
8.00 |
Registration |
10.00 |
Addresses by:
Mr. Lajos Nyiri
President of National Committee for
Technological Development (OMFB) |
The Representative
of Director General of WIPO |
Mr. Farag Moussa
President of IFIA |
Miklós Bendzsel
President of the Hungarian Patent Office |
10.30 |
Break |
11.00 |
by: Mr. Antal K. Bejczy, Professor, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology |
12.30 |
break |
14.30 |
Information in Support of Inventive and
Innovative Activities:
General IntroductionAddresses by:
Gordon Cummer,
Chief Executive Officer Canadian
Industrial Innovation Centre, Waterloo,
Canada |
Vladimir Yossifov,
Deputy Director, WIPO, Geneva,
Switzerland |
15.00 |
Discussion |
15.45 |
Break |
16.15 |
Inventors' Association Can Help Its Members to
Invent in Response to Real Needs of Industry?
Address by Kari
Sipilä, Managing Director, Foundation of
Finnish Inventions, Espoo, Finland |
16.45 |
Discussion |
18.00 |
hosted by WIPO |
Tuesday, March 17
09.00 |
of the State-of-the-Art Searches in Inventive and
Innovative Activities Addresses by:
Judit Hajdú,
Hungarian Patent Office, Budapest |
Zsuzsa Tör?csik,
Hungarian Patent Office, Budapest |
09.45 |
Discussion |
10.30 |
Break |
11.00 |
as Active Providers of Information Address by Mamadou Traoré,
President, Ivoirian Association for the Promotion
of Inventions and Innovations, Abidjan, Cote
11.45 |
Discussion |
13.00 |
break |
14.30 |
for Inventors Demonstration by the Hungarian
Patent Office of modern information technology
(CD-ROM, Data-Base Searches, INTERNET) |
15.30 |
taken to the market; New Canadian Experiences on
using the Internet Address by Gordon Cummer
16.00 |
On-line Discussion ( On the ways
and means of using by inventors and inventors'
associations with the direct participation of
INTERNET users (on-line) from some selected
countries |
19.00 |
Press and the Inventors in the Same Boat"
Reception and the exclusive opening of the
"Cartoonists and their Inventions"
international IFIA exhibition, hosted by
SBG&K International Patent Attorneys.
Location: "Kossuth Steamship" at Dock
No. 2 on the Pest Side of the Danube River near
Lánchíd |
Wednesday, March 18
09.00 |
Table on the Use of INTERNET as Source of
Information and Means of Communication in
Innovative Activities Miklós Bendzsel, Gordon Cummer,
Farag Moussa, Kari Sipilä, Mamadou Traoré,
Vadász Ágnes, Vladimir Yossifov
11.00 |
Break |
11.30 |
IFIA General Assembly |
13.00 |
Break |
14.30 |
IFIA General Assembly (continued) |
19.00 |
of IFIA's 30 years Jubilee Gala concert and
Reception hosted by Association of Hungarian
Inventors Venue: Vigadó Palace, Budapest,
V. Vigadó tér 2.
Sponsored by Danubia Patent and Trademark
Attorneys |
Thursday, March 19
10.00 |
session of the International Symposium |
Document prepared
by the
International Bureau of World Intellectual
Property Organisation.
34, chemin des Colombettes, Geneva, CH-1211
of participation
A participant will be
registered to the International Symposium on payment
of 350 DEM participation fee, or he/she is a
participant in the First Inventors' Olympic Games or
a member of the IFIA, or a delegate of the IFIA
Jubilee General Assembly.
A registered
participant is entitled to participate in the
Symposium's work, in the WIPO Reception, he/she can
be present at the IFIA Jubilee General Assembly and
at the reception and celebration in the Vigadó
Palace. He/she can visit the Inventors' Olympic Games
free of charge and will receive the papers of the
Symposium free of charge.