INVENTION IN THE WORLD Based on the WIPO statistics in 2012 This site is started on the occasion of the 7th International Inventors' Day Celebration - 13 June 2014.
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Trend in domestic patent application worldwide in 2012
The growth of population in the world is pressure of increase of the new domestic inventions but that is the criterion too. Therefore the number of new inventions be on increase. year by year. But the word economy can influence the inventive activity as in 2002 or 2009. Ultimately the trend in domestic patent application worldwide is upgrade.
Domestic patent application (2013)
Nowadays there are near 2.5 million new domestic patent application worldwide. Remarkable change of the country sequence is China on the second position. Other difference compared the situation in the former Century is the Asia dominancy in the field of invention.
Innovation potential of countries (2013)
The innovation potential of a country is shown by the quotient of number of new domestic patent applications and country population in million. The top ten countries have very high innovation potential (3400-700). Then county 11 to 30 have moderate innovation potential (360-200) and the other countries' potential weak.
Context between domestic patenting and GDP