The “Ideas-Inventions-New Products” (iENA) international
trade show is the world’s launching platform for marketing inventions. The
iENA presented more than 800 inventions from 37 countries at Nuremberg’s
Trade Show Center. The specialized visitors came from 38 countries and the
majority of them were visiting the trade show for the first time. The
specialized public was very impressed with the high quality of the exhibited
inventions which ranged from practical solutions for everyday problems to
high-tech innovations. The iENA was official IFIA event. Therefore András
Vedres IFIA President given the opening address and he visited the
presentations in occasion of the opening circle.

iENA Opening and Mr. András Vedres's address
Among the 19 IFIA members presentations, new participants
from Saudi-Arabia, and China also rated their presence at the iENA as a
total success. The China Association of Invention has already announced that
it plans to attend next year with a larger common group of participants.

Electric herdsman on the "Signo" (Germany) booth
- Collective Bavarian design presentation - Syrian booth
is visited by the IFIA President

Polish IFIA member presentation - A.
Vedres and Russian delegates
The selected IFIA members (from Arabic network,
Yemen and Egypt, than Czech Republic, China Min Hang High School, Moldavia, Philippines, Romania
and Sweden) presented inventions on collective IFIA booth free of charge.

Collective booth for several IFIA members:
China Min Hang High School - Czech inventions
- Dr Khaled Nashwan (Yemen)
The IFIA organized collective presentation titled
“Cultural Innovation”. The cultural innovation
is the utilization of new things (object and project) which represent
characteristic cultural value too. This was the first example of
presentation of this items before the First Cultural Innovation Festival
which will be organized on 24-27 August, 2011 Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
IFIA booth: Cultural Innovation

Cultural Innovations: Statutes
prepared by György GÁL - Violins presented by Dr. Octavian
PLESA - Taiwan ornaments - Children multimedia book
prepared Mrs. Aranka
Awarding - Grand Prizes
The IFIA Cup
for the best invention of 62nd IENA goes to Mr. Friedhelm Limbeck
(Germany) who invented a solar-operated seawater and brackish water
desalination plant.
The Grand
Prize of IENA organizers goes to Mrs. Aranka Latorcai-Ujházi (Hungary) for
her Cultural Innovation: „I drive in my sleep too”
(Multimedia tool for the kids’ education)

Mr. Vedres awards Mr. Friedhelm Limbeck
- Mrs. Lydia Zetl and Mrs. Aranka Latorcai-Ujházi