Isten éltesse Libik André barátunkat a 85. születésnapja alkalmából!


Magyar Feltalálók Egyesülete

2017. február 25.

Libik André (András) született 1932. 02. 25. Budapesten, film író, rendező és producer. Többségében dokumentumfilmeket készített, melyeken megelevenedik a XX. század második fele.

1956-ban emigrált, élt Svájcban, ahol tanult, majd Franciaországban, Nigériában, ahol megszervezte a filmgyártást, majd Németországban állampolgárként lakott.

1992-ben hazatelepült. A DUNA Televízió megszervezésében működött közre.
1993-ban a Budapesti Expo keretében a MAFE által tervezett Találmányi Világkiállítás főigazgatója lett (lásd a PATENT 1993/1 számában "GENIUS született" c. írást).
Ö javasolta az eseménynek a GENIUS’ 96 nevet.

Az Expo lemondása után a Magyar Feltalálók Egyesülete egyedüli rendezvényként megtartotta a GENIUS’ 96 Találmányi Világkiállítást Budapesten, a Városligetben. Az esemény több mint fél évig tartott, és világsiker volt. Ezután kétévente a MAFE GENIUS rendezvényeket szervezett Budapesten egészen 2009-ig.

Igazgatója majd főtitkára volt a Széchenyi Tudományos Társaságnak (2007 - 2010).

Libik André 85. születésnapján, a "Helló Eistein" című filmjének vetítése kapcsán, amelyen több tagtárs is részt vett,  a MAFE kitüntette őt a „GENIUS JUBILEUMI EMLÉKÉREMMEL” az Egyesületnek nyújtott sok évtizedes szolgálatáért.


Libik André művei:


Iró és rendező

  • 1958: Un homme dans l’inhumanité ("A Man in Inhumanity”) - Short documentary about Hungarian Premier Imre Nagy. Co-written and co-directed with cinematographer Jean Badal
  • 1959, Paris: Sans passeport ("Without a Passport”) - Short documentary about refugees in Paris. Produced by the French Red Cross.
  • 1959, Paris: Terre retrouvée ("Refound Earth”) - Short documentary about refugees resettling in Southern France. Produced by the French Red Cross.
  • 1961, Nigeria: Sunrise in the East- Documentary about Eastern Nigeria. Grand Prix - Mogadishu African Film Festival, 2nd Prize with Silver Plaque at International Exhibition, Rome, 1962
  • 1962, Nigeria: The Ancestors - Documentary about ancestral worship in Nigeria. Silver Bear - Berlin Film Festival.
  • 1963: Alte Leute heute ("Old People Today”)
Schmuck aus Neu-Gablonz ("Jewelry from New Gablonz”)
Nürnberger Tand geht durch alle Land ("Playthings from Nuremberg”)
  • 1964: Auf der Suche nach dem Heil ("Search for Salvation”) - Documentary about religious sects. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1964: Die Grenzen der Vernunft ("Frontiers of the Mind") - Documentary about parapsychology. Over 18.000 letters from viewers. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1964-68: Der politische Mord ("Political Assassination”) Documentary TV series:
Jean Jaurès, Tod eines Visionärs ("Death of a Visionary") Honorary Mention, "Grimme Award" (Top German TV Award)
Trotsky, Tod eines Propheten ("Trotsky, Death of a Prophet") "Grimme Award"
Gandhi, Apostel der Gewaltlosigkeit ("Gandhi, Apostle of Non-Violence")
Mord in Marseille ("Murder in Marseille") (Assassination of Yugoslav King Alexander I and French Foreign Minister Barthou, 1934)
Malcolm X (Assassination of famous Black Liberation leader in New York)
Ein General muss sterben ("A General Must Die”) Assassination of Portuguese General Humberto Delgado
  • 1967: Die künstlichen Paradiese ("Artificial Paradise”) - First German documentary about drug abuse. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1968: Grossmacht Erdöl ("The Power of Oil”) - Documentary about the international oil companies. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1968: Kinder auf der Folter ("Children Under Torture”). Documentary about child beating. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1969: Uran, Schlüssel zur Weltmacht ("The Key to World Power”) - Documentary about atomic energy, with General Groves, head of the "Manhattan Project”. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1969: Ich bin ein Söldner ("I am a Mercenary”) - Documentary about mercenaries in the Congo. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1970: Theatrum sacrum - Documentary about scenic art in Bavarian and Austrian churches (BR – Bavarian TV)
  • 1970: Weltmacht aus der Retorte ("The Story of IG Farben") - Documentary about the infamous German manufacturer of Cyclone B gas. (BR – Bavarian TV)
  • 1970: Fünf Finger sind eine Faust ("Five Fingers Make a Fist”) - Documentary about the New Left in Germany. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1971: Wer nicht schweigt, muss sterben ("He Who Speaks Must Die”) - Documentary about the Sicilian Mafia. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1972: Leben in Beton ("Living in Concrete") - Documentary about people living in social projects (ARD - German TV)
  • 1972: Einige Tage im Leben des Dr. Spirgi ("A Few Days in the Life of Dr. Spirgi") Documentary about a delegate of the International Red Cross). (ARD - German TV)
  • 1984: Raketen abgeschossen, Ziel vernichtet ("Rockets Fired, Target Destroyed”) - Documentary about the shoot-down of a Korean airliner by the Soviets - Nominated for "Grimme Award". (ARD - German TV)
  • 1986: Zwölf Tage zwischen Angst und Hoffnung ("Twelve Days Between Fear And Hope”) - Documentary about the Hungarian Revolution 1956 - "Film of the Year" by German TV Critics. (ZDF - German TV)


  • 1955: Az útkarbantartás korszerűsítése  (Ipari Minisztérium, Budapest)
  • 1974: Hafen am Rhein ("Port on the Rhine") Pilot film for a TV drama series (ARD - German TV)

Író és producer

  • 1975: Im Zweifel gegen den Angeklagten ("In Doubt Against the Defendant”) - TV documentary drama about a criminal case in West Berlin 1950. (ZDF - German TV)

Író, rendező és producer

  • 1972: Potpourri von Ferenczy - A portrait of the famous German media tycoon. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1972: Musste Tommy sterben? ("Did Tommy Have to Die?") - Documentary about a child killed by his parents. (BR - Bavarian TV)
  • 1973: Grenzstation Krebsklinik ("Border Station Cancer Clinic”) - Documentary about a terminal cancer clinic. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1973: Kaputt geht’s ganz bestimmt ("Planned Obsolescence”) - Documentary about consumer protection. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1974: Dem Unheimlichen auf der Spur ("Investigating the Twilight”) - Four-part TV documentary series about Extrasensory Perception, Spiritualism et al. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1975: Die jungen Löwen von Arabien ("The Young Lions of Arabia”) - Documentary about young managers in Kuwait. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1979: Ein Mythos will nicht sterben ("A Myth That Will Not Die”) - Documentary about the French Foreign Legion. (German-French Co-production)
  • 1980: Ein Volk im Exil ("No More Mountains”) - Documentary about the Hmong people in Laos. (German-US-French Co-production)
  • 1987: Der Verführer – Joseph Goebbels ("The Seducer”) - Documentary about the Nazi Minister of Propaganda. (ZDF - German TV)


  • 1958: Der Nürnberger Prozess ("The Nuremberg Trial") - Feature-length documentary about the Nazi War Criminals' Trial. (Production Manager - Continent Film, Munich)
  • 1967: Search for Vengeance - Documentary about Nazi War Criminals. (Executive Producer - ABC, Wolper Productions USA)
  • 1969: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - Four-part US TV documentary based on the famous book. (Associate Producer - ABC, Wolper Productions USA)
  • 1975: Cafe Hungaria - 13-part drama series based on Hungarian short stories. (German-Hungarian Co-production)
  • 1976: Jugend vor der Wahl ("Young People Elect") - Documentary about young people before elections. ARD-German TV
  • 1976: Ein Sonntag im Oktober ("A Sunday in October”) - Feature film based on events in Hungary in October 1944. (German-Hungarian Co-production)
  • 1978: Heinrich, der gute König ("Henri Quatre”) - 6-part drama series based on Heinrich Mann's famous novel. (German-French Co-production)
  • 1980: Der Mann, der sich in Luft auflöste ("The Man Who Went Up in Smoke”) - Feature film based on the Sjöwall-Wahlöö novel. (German-Swedish-Hungarian Co-production)
  • 1982: Albert Einstein - Four-part biographical drama miniseries. (International Co-production - Broadcast by the US Disney Channel)
  • 1982: Der Fall Sylvester Matuska (“Viadukt”) - Feature film with Michael Sarrazin. (German-US-Hungarian Co-production)
  • 1983: Zeugnis aus der grünen Hölle ("Letters From Green Hell”) - TV drama filmed in French Guyana. (German-French Co-production)
  • 1983: Titanic - Nachspiel einer Katastrophe ("The Titanic Investigation”) - TV drama based on US Congressional Records. (ZDF - German TV)
  • 1984: Flug in die Hölle ("Flight Into Hell”) - 6-hour drama series shot in Australia. Best ratings in Germany in 1985. 9th best rating on Channel Four in the UK. (German-French-Australian Co-production)
  • 1985: Die Stunde des Léon Bisquet (de) ("Leon Bisquet’s Dilemma”) - TV drama based on Simenon's novel "Le nègre". (ZDF - German TV)
  • 1987: Ekkehard - 6-part drama series about a medieval monk. "Best Production" - Bristol Film & TV Festival. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1988: Schloss Wutzenstein ("Wutzenstein’s Castle”) - 12-part comedy series. (German-Hungarian Co-production)
  • 1990: Mikis Theodorakis - Documentary about the Greek composer. (German-Greek Co-production)
  • 1991: Softwar - TV drama. (German-French Co-production)
  • 1991: Ruby - Four-part comedy-SF miniseries. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1992: Tanger Melody - Documentary about US writer Paul Bowles. (ARD - German TV)
  • 1993: Les vacances de l'inspecteur Lester ("Inspector Lester’s Vacation”) - TV thriller with Claude Rich. (Executive Producer - French-Hungarian Co-production)
  • 1994: Baldipata - TV drama with Charles Aznavour, Annie Cordy. (Executive Producer - French-Hungarian Co-production)
  • 1995: Sonatina Romana - Lyrical documentary about Rome. (Hungarian-Italian Co-production - Directed by István Gaál)
  • 1996: Pop for Peace - Pop concert in Okučani, Croatia, for IFOR soldiers of 9 nations. (MTV - Hungarian TV)
  • 1999: Bei aller Liebe ("By All My Love”) - 2 episodes of a German TV drama series. (Line Producer - TeleNorm Film and ARD Germany)
  • 2000: Luftpiraten ("Air Pirates”) - Action movie directed by Joe Coppoletta. (Line Producer - TeleNorm Film and RTL Germany)

Életrajzi könyvet írt, melyet „Szép lányok és terroristák” címmel adtak ki (2000. és 2006.).