1. The invention:
The problem to be solved: The cleaning of dirty joints between the floor tiles.
- Definition: It is a spherical, 3-line brush, the outer brushline is 3-5 mm shorter
than the ones in the middle. An electric motor revolves this brush, with
water sprayed on the middle brush, it cleans the joint, the outer
brushlines clean the sides of the tiles.
Presentation: The
cause of soiling tile joints:
part of dust pollution remains in the joints in case of cleaning with a
broom. Traditional mops run over these joints, what is more wet emulsion is
created and the joints get even more dirtier (the same happens in case the
tiled floor is hoovered before mopping, but it is a slower process).
fundamental idea of this invention is a 3-line revolving brush with
asymmetric fibre length. Demands for splash
and simmering protection, interchangeable brushes, long and short
handles, liquid pumped on the brush, etc. are only supplementary items.

Application: Cleaning of dirty joints between the floor tiles.
Advantages: It becomes fairly easy to clean the joints between the floor tiles.
Stage of development: Prototype
Documentation available: User description.
2. The inventor:

Name: dr. József Vácity
Self introduction: I am 44 years old and I live with my wife and
my two children in Baja. I am a paediatrician; ear, nose and throat
specialist and I have a private practice. My further activities: medical
software system organisation, hospital finance consultation. I am entitled
to five goods samples.
3. The protection:
Form: Utility
model 2 536; U02 00300
Priority: 2001.10.18.
- Countries where it is in force: Hungary, European Union
- Owner of patent: The inventor
4. Business intention: Licensing
5. Contact:
dr. József Vácity
- E-mail:
Phone: +36 30 47 58 733
- Fax: +36 79 522 101
Address: H-6500 Baja, Alkotmány u. 9., Hungary