1. The invention:
HELP keypad for
mobile phone
- The problem
solved: Reduce
the phone keyboard function with keypad change.
It’s a keypad with which you could answer a given series of calls, and
you could dial pre-defined numbers. The original keypad could be changed
easily for this special one. By changing the original keypad for the modified
one described in the patent, we get an easy use emergency call device.
Presentation: If
you press the indicated button in an emergency situation for a short time,
it starts an emergency call. The surrounding buttons are disabled, so the
call couldn’t be mislaid. Only the given numbers could be dialed.

Old or sick people, small children, endangered employees
Advantages: Low risk, the device is cheap and simple,
it could be mounted without any previous knowledge. The employees could
dial just the enabled numbers.
Stage of development:
Available documentation:
http://www.kuthi.hu (in English / German
/ Hungarian).
2. The inventor:

3. The
pending (MSZH U 03 00226)
Priority: September 04, 2003
- Countries:
- Owner
of patent: The inventor
4. Business
purpose: I am looking for users and producers, licensors
5. Contact:
Zoltán KUTHI
- E-mail: zoltan@kuthi.hu
- Fax: +36 28- 521 169
+36 20- 336 2955
H-2181 Iklad Csokonai út 27/A, Hungary