1. The invention:
Computer network user
identification without storage of a password (Card and procedure)
- The problem
solved: Traditional identifiers used for internal networks and the Internet, or
extensions of these (password, fingerprint, etc.) are always stored in
the computer. Because of this they may be stolen, changed. PASYS does
not store the password on the computer, so the password cannot be
stolen or changed.
PASYS (Personal Authentication System)
is a personalised computer network / Internet access system in which the
user’s access code is known to no one else other than the user. So even
the system administrator is not able to abuse it.
The system administrator constructs the computer system always assuming
that behind the user identifier (login name, user name) there is a member
of the organisation authorised to and identified by it. In order to ensure
this identification in every network operation system the user name is
protected by a password. The password that protects the user identifier is
always on the server providing access, it can be accessed and changed using
system administrator authorisation. (The most frequent form of “Social
Hacking" is phoning the system administrator saying “I’ve
forgotten my password”, who then changes it, even against the security
The PASYS access system does not identify on the basis of a user name –
password pair. PASYS examines and accepts an electronically signed and
encrypted access request, ensuring with this that the identity of the
person initiating the access request is certified in accordance with the
act on electronic signatures. As PASYS access can not be simulated even
with administrator’s authorisation acquired on the server, so with the
comparison of the server containing the data and PASYS it can be determined
about every access or attempted access whether the person authorised used
the system or not. Even if the system administrators of PASYS and the
protected server containing the data work together they are not able to
simulate the access of a third party. Handling PASYS access information
does not require special IT knowledge, so it can be handled by any reliable
member of the organisation.
Computer networks, Internet, data protection, data security, hacker
Protects against social hacking
Stage of development:
Operating reference system, viewable
Available documentation:
Short description on www.pasys.hu
2. The inventor:
Dr. Tamás Lajtner, Gábor Szvoboda, Sándor Iványi
3. The
Patent Pending
Priority: 29. August 2002.
- Countries:
- Owner
of patent: Inventors
4. Business
purpose: Licensing
5. Contact: