Csermák Károly  Visual Aid
1. The invention:  Visual Aid
  • The problem solved:  To promote and develop pupils’ stereoscopic vision in primary, secondary and high level education, furthermore to help recognition and interpretation of complex motions and combination of forms. To improve creative thinking through the toy set device.
  • Definition:  The invention is a visual aid that can be put together like building units of such a device (toy), which moves magnetic elements by means of a magnetic mechanism over the surface of a ball. These units can be discs and/or balls in six colors (black, white, red, yellow, blue and green) and their quantity can be chosen 1-60 as you like. The prototype displays such a version where 12 symmetrical (regarding both axles and planes) pentagons turn round their own axle over a spinning ball surface while you can watch forming and transforming of different color and shape combinations.
  • Presentation:  

    The visual aid is “symmetrical”, so the different motion combinations can be carried out by both directions, whether it is right or left- sided or manually (with a crank-arm) or with a speed regulator electromotor etc. Some of them can be carried out by a prototype so called (polyeder) combination:

    Regular triangle (20 pieces) – pentagon (12 pieces), (picture number 1 and 3)

    Regular triangle (20 pieces) – square (30 pieces), pentagon (12 pieces) (picture number 2)

    Partly regular hexagon (20 pieces) – regular pentagon (12 pieces) is such a combination where the colourful balls, which represent the vertex of the hexagon, can be found in 10-10 kinds of axlesymmetrical (colour) variations. (picture numbers 3.)

    It is a special version, when the same colour matches can be seen at the vertexes. (picture number 4)

    Regular square (10 pieces) – pentagon (8 pieces) - decagon (4 pieces) in 12 variations (picture number 2)

    Pentagons are transformed into decagons (six that kind of things can be observed) for example: 2 pieces of little black pentagons are converted into a big quasi decagon. (see live – axle – symmetrical black pentagons) (picture number 1 and 2)


    On the ball surface, in the version, which differs from the prototype, the motion of 1-60 pieces of magnetic elements (balls and/or discs) can be displayed in optional numbers and used colour combinations.



Fig. 1, 2, 3

Fig. 4

  • Application: education, toy, ornament, electromagnetic phenomena, magnetic mechanism, mathematics and show.
  • Advantages: Variability, a possibility of further development, promoting creativity skills, stereoscopic vision, developing of the space-perception, electrodynamical convertibility, easy understanding of complicated motions, connections, relations, discovery of linkage, demonstration of transformation and forming process of different kinds of polyeders. etc.
  • Stage of development:  Prototype (for a possible application)


  • Available documentation:  Posters, handouts about the description of the visual aid (printed or on a disc).

2. The inventor:  

  • Name:  Csermák, Károly
  • Introduction:  The Inventor is a certificated specialized engineer – specialized economist – teacher. He is a Ph.D student of University of West Hungarian (Sopron).

3. The protection: 

  • Form:  patent application 
  • Priority: 27th January, 2003
  • Countries: 
  • Owner of patent: Inventor

4. Business purpose:  Licensing and cooperation in developing

5. Contact: 

  • Name:  Csermák, Károly
  • E-mail: suli526@bp.sulinet.hu
  • Fax: +36-53-552269
  • Telephone:  +36-53-350612
  • Address:  H-2751 Nagykőrös, P.O. Box 100 (Hungary)