Szereplés külföldi kiállításokon, egyéb rendezvényeinken 2010. II. félévben

A találmányok hasznosításának első és legfontosabb lépése az alkotás bemutatása. Erre szolgálnak a nemzetközi találmányi kiállítások, ahol erkölcsi elismerést és értékes üzleti kapcsolatokat lehet szerezni. A MAFE 1989 óta végzi a magyar találmányok hasznosításánál az első és legfontosabb lépést, a műszaki alkotások bemutatását piacszerző nemzetközi fórumokon. A globalizáció kiteljesedett, ezért célszerű a hasznosításra szánt találmányt minél több külföldi helyen bemutatni. Ez költséges. Állami támogatás nélkül megoldhatatlan feladat. Sajnos a hazai innovációs támogatási rendszer az év eleje óta nem biztosít forrásokat. A kormányváltás ezen a téren elhúzódik, innovációs támogatás a közeli jövőben nem várható. Pedig az ideák nem várhatnak, tartja a mondás. A MAFE ebben a nehéz időszakban is teszi a dolgát. Maximálisan  kihasználja az IFIA nyújtotta lehetőségeket, a világszervezet hivatalos kiállításain magyar találmányi bemutatókkal szerepelt, a standbérletet az IFIA fizette. Köszönet érte!

Sajtóközlemény erről:


Az alábbi nemzetközi találmányi kiállításokon szerepeltünk eddig a 2010. II. félévében:

Augusztus 18-21., Marosvásárhely

Kiállítás és konferencia a Marosvásárhelyi Ipari Parkban.

Szeptember 30 - október 2., ARCA Zágráb

A horvát nemzetközi találmányi kiállítás most új helyen volt, a Zágrábi Egyetemen.

Október 20-22., IWIS, Varsó

Lengyel nemzetközi innovációs kiállítás, amelyet új helyen rendeztek - GROMADA Airport Hotel and Convetion Center

Október 28-31., Nürnberg

Ez volt az idén a 62. iENA, amely az egyik legrangosabb találmányi fórum. A világ egyik legnagyobb fogyasztási cikk vásárának (Consumenta) részeként tartották meg, ezért a látogatottság igen nagy volt.

A kiállításhoz kapcsolódott az IFIA közgyűlés, a III. Nemzetközi Feltalálók Napjának megünneplése és egy "Kulturális Innováció" bemutató, amelyen Gál György és Latorcai-Ujházi Aranka is szerepelt.

Az évadot Koreában zártuk:

December 2-5., Szöul

A SIIF találmányi vásár azért jelentős, mert Korea innovációs potenciálja Japán után a legnagyobb a világon. Ezen a kiállításon mindenki ott volt, aki Ázsiában a fejlesztés terén számít (600 találmány 30 országból).

Kiállítók, elnyert díjak

Seoul International Invention Fair (December 2-5.)

A bemutatott találmányok és az elnyert díjak:

CSOBÁN, Zoltán: Connection of radio communication systems

The invention connects the walkie-talkies which transmit on different frequencies by the connection of the basic wave-bands. The connected walkie-talkies are selected each other by this method.


Deák, Ferenc László: Carriage for cantilever gates

The dissolved problem is the compensation for imprecision effects that occur during production and installation of cantilever gates, reducing roller load and noise. The solution is carriage for cantilever gates with self adjusting rollers.


FARKAS Lajos: Massage device from tennis balls - Bronzérem

This is a hand operated massage device. It is made from two tennis balls which are equipped axles.


GÁL, György: Precision casting - Ezüstérem

This method is advantageous for the manufacturing of thin wall molding as statuettes and medals. The steps of our method are: the preparation of mark by silicon gum for making of hallows wax form, use of these to prepare a heatproof casting model, then the casting.


KÁLMÁN Dániel: Fish Guard - Ezüstérem

This is a hydrodynamic energy controlled installation for ensuring of quick transmission of floating objects and prevention of migration of fishes during the filling-up and fresh water admixture of fishponds, intensively utilized backwaters, sporting lakes, etc.


KAJTÁR, Máté: Leak detection in underground storage tanks – Aranyérem

This leak detection method is composed by such triple-walled tanks, where the soil side interstitial space is divided in a quadratic lattice of cells and every cell is monitored separately. In addition, there are specially designed pre-produced ribs in order to be interstitial spaces too, so their leakage can be monitored separately too.


KAJTÁR, Vilmos et al: Pipe repair system - Ezüstérem

Method for arming composite-fabrication to repair, reinforce or enhance stability of open-air located cylindrically symmetric shaped objects (piers, pillars, pipes etc.) with unsaturated polyester/vinyl-ester resin based matrix-materials containing unidirectional orientated banded reinforcing materials in the form of freely deformable multi-layer composite bands.


KUTHI, Zoltán: Rhythm-dial and control – Aranyérem

This is a combination of a software and hardware, which is used to analyze the pattern of the signals given by the buttons, and can be compared to the pre-stored patterns attached to the given phone number / function. After recognition, the phone number is dialed / function used.


Latorcai-Ujházi, Aranka: „I drive in my sleep too” (Multimedia tool for the kids’ education) - Bronzérem

This is a book containing versified stories in English, Germany and Hungarian languages about vehicles, pictures, music on attached CD, and attached glove puppet. There are brail written appropriate texts on the transparent foil picture covers for the blind children.


NÁDAS, Béla dr.: Variable-displacement rotary-blade motor – Aranyérem; Különdíj (NRCT - Tailand)

This is a volumetric hairdo motor with balanced rotation elements. Its blade size and working volume can continuously be variable from zero to a maximum value. This solution may be use as hydro pump or hydrostatic CVTs for vehicles.


RAISZ Iván dr. and BARTA István dr.: Methanol synthesis from communal waste – Aranyérem

This is modified syngas production. The oxygen source is clean oxygen, we not used direct steam flow, and the raw material has the necessary water for CO production and used modified gas flow direction and high carbon bed temperature. In this regime the syngas has not toxic organic and inert components. We spare the communal waste deposit gas, and use the CO2 for synthesis.



SZÖLLŐSY, János, Tibor FARKAS, Antal GASPARICS: Conductance measuring without contact - Bronzérem

Invention combines the magnetic vector-field measurement with the optical position detection. The magnetic field distribution can be displayed as a colorful 3D image in real time by the help of the suitable data-acquisition and visualization software tool. This is new method of conductance measuring without contact.


Urbán, István and LÁZÁR Edina: Reduction of carbon dioxide emitted in flue gas

The technology can be implemented at systems already equipped with a flue gas desulphurisation plant. The flue gas desulphurisation technology already known mainly applies limestone slurry in the scrubbers to bind sulphur dioxide. The limestone grain required for the process is produced by specialised companies through processing limestone from stone pits.


Vesztróci Nándor: Anti-stall concept for airplanes - Ezüstérem

Airplane (conventional, such as a commercial one), which has a pair of swept-back wings provided with relatively sharp leading edge, and a pair of positive lift-producing horizontal stabilizers in the tail with very different aerodynamic properties possessing much steeper lift-coefficient curve, and provided with regular, rounded leading edge.


VENCLI, Gyula: Scissors for vintage - Bronzérem

The mechanism of this scissors moves the cutting edges together the bunch holding parts.




Magyar találmányok bemutatói Szöulban (2010)


ARCA 2010 Zagreb (Szeptember 30 - október 2.)

A bemutatott találmányok és az elnyert díjak:

CSOBÁN, Zoltán: Connection of radio communication systems - ARANY PLAKETT

The invention connects the walkie-talkies which transmit on different frequencies by the connection of the basic wave-bands. The connected walkie-talkies are selected each other by this method.


Deák, Ferenc László: Carriage for cantilever gates

The dissolved problem is the compensation for imprecision effects that occur during production and installation of cantilever gates, reducing roller load and noise. The solution is carriage for cantilever gates with self adjusting rollers.


GÁL, György: Precision casting

This method is advantageous for the manufacturing of thin wall molding as statuettes and medals. The steps of our method are: the preparation of mark by silicon gum for making of hallows wax form, use of these to prepare a heatproof casting model, then the casting.


KÁLMÁN Dániel: Fish Guard

This is a hydrodynamic energy controlled installation for ensuring of quick transmission of floating objects and prevention of migration of fishes during the filling-up and fresh water admixture of fishponds, intensively utilized backwaters, sporting lakes, etc.


NÁDAS, Béla dr.: Variable-displacement rotary-blade motor - ARANY PLAKETT; KÜLÖNDÍJ (IFIA Innovation Medal)

This is a volumetric hairdo motor with balanced rotation elements. Its blade size and working volume can continuously be variable from zero to a maximum value. This solution may be use as hydro pump or hydrostatic CVTs for vehicles.


Nádasy László: Traditional windows with high-tech glazing

The traditional look of windows is unchanged but the no heat isolating glass system is changed to heat and sound isolator one by this invented method.


TAMÁS, Eszter: Tea, jelly and balm from Euphorbia hirta (Tafedim)

The tropical Euphorbia hirta is one of the most valuable products of nature’s huge pharmacy, also widely used by folk medicine due to the following characteristics: scientific research has shown its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects; the herb may also reduce cramps, improve digestion, lower blood pressure and regenerate cells. When applied to the skin, the herb can cure scars, inflamed skin, warts, insect bites and skin rashes.


Urbán, István and LÁZÁR Edina: Reduction of carbon dioxide emitted in flue gas - KÜLÖNDÍJ (Tesla Emlékérem)

The technology can be implemented at systems already equipped with a flue gas desulphurisation plant. The flue gas desulphurisation technology already known mainly applies limestone slurry in the scrubbers to bind sulphur dioxide. The limestone grain required for the process is produced by specialised companies through processing limestone from stone pits.


Vesztróci Nándor: Anti-stall concept for airplanes - BRONZ PLAKETT

Airplane (conventional, such as a commercial one), which has a pair of swept-back wings provided with relatively sharp leading edge, and a pair of positive lift-producing horizontal stabilizers in the tail with very different aerodynamic properties possessing much steeper lift-coefficient curve, and provided with regular, rounded leading edge.


VENCLI, Gyula: Scissors for vintage

The mechanism of this scissors moves the cutting edges together the bunch holding parts.



Vedres András IFIA elnök megnyitója  -  MAFE bemutató Zágrábban (2010)


IWIS Warsaw 2010 (Október 20-22.)

A bemutatott találmányok és az elnyert díjak:


Almási Ferenc dr.: Mobile emergency bridge - ARANYÉREM

It is composed of three rows of pairs of staves - connected at their centers - as bridge elements and other elements, serving the stabilization. The rows of pairs of staves stand in a position of triangle with equal sides, - when looked from the back of the vehicle - then they open into a significantly extended length and the bridge can be fixed, while its stability is preserved.


Ambrus, Imre: SPANNFIX module constructing system - EZÜSTÉREM

Tension of old type saws was adjusted by rotated rope. I have hidden this method of elements into a pipe. These pipes can be the basic fixing elements of a new pipe holder construction. For the tightening the rope is not necessary to be tensed directly, it is enough to rotate this installed pipe itself by hand. Turning the pipe the wires (which has been fixed to both elements) pull together both parts, providing a firm binding connection without looseness.


CSOBÁN, Zoltán: Connection of radio communication systems - ARANYÉREM

The invention connects the walkie-talkies which transmit on different frequencies by the connection of the basic wave-bands. The connected walkie-talkies are selected each other by this method.


Deák, Ferenc László: Carriage for cantilever gates - EZÜSTÉREM

The dissolved problem is the compensation for imprecision effects that occur during production and installation of cantilever gates, reducing roller load and noise. The solution is carriage for cantilever gates with self adjusting rollers.


FARKAS Lajos: Massage device from tennis balls - BROZÉREM

This is a hand operated massage device. It is made from two tennis balls which are equipped axles.


GÁL, György: Precision casting - BROZÉREM

This method is advantageous for the manufacturing of thin wall molding as statuettes and medals. The steps of our method are: the preparation of mark by silicon gum for making of hallows wax form, use of these to prepare a heatproof casting model, then the casting.


Fritz László: A slanting-rope bridge with „floating” pillars

The invented bridge has one or more founded pillars, on which there are „floating” pillars hanged by slanting ropes; these ones hold further „floating” pillars. The number of the floating pillars is optional; their propping is secured by the bridge-deck and the hanging up with the slanting ropes. There are horizontal forces in the bridge-deck; rope wards forces in the ropes and perpendicular ones in the main and floating pillars rising. Forming a construction is available by combining the given solution of bridge construction.


KÁLMÁN Dániel: Fish Guard - ARANYÉREM

This is a hydrodynamic energy controlled installation for ensuring of quick transmission of floating objects and prevention of migration of fishes during the filling-up and fresh water admixture of fishponds, intensively utilized backwaters, sporting lakes, etc.


Klár, Gábor: Collapsible shoulder part for camcorders

Shoulder part which is connected to the camcorder and standing against both of the shoulders. It is easy to carry it in a camcorder bag because it is collapsible, slight and slim.


Kókai, Dénes: Wind energy utilization with surface riffles - EZÜSTÉREM

The invention is an appliance that converts the kinetic energy of the wind into fast, alternating motion that can be used for electric energy production. The object of the invention, the equipment, varies periodically in opposite phase the speed of the influent air stream on two opposite sides of a surface that is able to move. The air stream kinetic energy is converted into periodically varying direction static pressure over the exploiting surface. The motion produced in this way is suitable for electric energy production.


KUTHI, Zoltán: Electronic fuelcap - EZÜSTÉREM

We have attached a radio alarm with the appropriate sensor into the fuel cap, which is connected to an alarm system in an unusual way. A minimal movement of the fuel cap initiates an alarm signal, so the stealth will be revealed in a very early stage. It avoids the undiscovered reach to the inside of the tank.


Nádasy László: Traditional windows with high-tech glazing - BROZÉREM

The traditional look of windows is unchanged but the no heat isolating glass system is changed to heat and sound isolator one by this invented method.


Papp Gizella, László Kótai dr., János Szolcsányi dr., Attila Zoltai dr.: Elimination of Acari - EZÜSTÉREM

We founded, some bulked composite silicate, with enlarged inner porous, absorb adhesives mixing with acaricid materials well. We developed a combinate trap for acari with this absorber formulation. This apparatus not only catches the living acari, and their excrements, but it does with dead ones from the air of indoors, and it decreases the bacterial contamination too. An adapter could join with the apparatus to evaporate essential oils for example which are composing, or making equability of temper.


Rossu, László: Internet based package-delivery automatic system - ARANYÉREM

This system delivers the ordered packages for the customers with the help of package-delivery machines. The authoritys of placement and delivery can be set on the internet. The system makes also the identification, in order to get the right person the package.


SZOLCSÁNYI, János dr, PAPP György: Beverages containing extracts of medicinal herbs - ARANYÉREM

The inventors developed a sugar free soft drink family containing water soluble capsaicin and humic acid komplex is unique in which the tasty ingredient owing to its direct effect on adipocytes induces weight loss and protects the gastric mucosa against drug-induced gastric damage and ulceration with not negligible virocid effect. We extended the effect of this invention for mineral waters, milks, tees and other drinking liquids.



Almási Ferenc dr. aranyérmes találmánya Varsóban

IENA 2010, Nuremberg (Október 28-31.)

 A bemutatott találmányok és az elnyert díjak:

CSOBÁN, Zoltán: Connection of radio communication systems - ARANYÉREM

The invention connects the walkie-talkies which transmit on different frequencies by the connection of the basic wave-bands. The connected walkie-talkies are selected each other by this method.


Deák, Ferenc László: Carriage for cantilever gates

The dissolved problem is the compensation for imprecision effects that occur during production and installation of cantilever gates, reducing roller load and noise. The solution is carriage for cantilever gates with self adjusting rollers.


FARKAS Lajos: Massage device from tennis balls - BROZÉREM

This is a hand operated massage device. It is made from two tennis balls which are equipped axles.


GÁL, György: Precision casting  - BROZÉREM

This method is advantageous for the manufacturing of thin wall molding as statuettes and medals. The steps of our method are: the preparation of mark by silicon gum for making of hallows wax form, use of these to prepare a heatproof casting model, then the casting.


KÁLMÁN Dániel: Fish Guard - KÜLÖNDÍJ (Szaudi Arábia Nagydíja)

This is a hydrodynamic energy controlled installation for ensuring of quick transmission of floating objects and prevention of migration of fishes during the filling-up and fresh water admixture of fishponds, intensively utilized backwaters, sporting lakes, etc.


Latorcai-Ujházi, Aranka: „I drive in my sleep too” (Multimedia tool for the kids’ education) - BROZÉREM - KÜLÖNDÍJ (iENA Nagydíja, Ukrán Kupa)

This is a book containing versified stories in English, Germany and Hungarian languages about vehicles, pictures, music on attached CD, and attached glove puppet. There are brail written appropriate texts on the transparent foil picture covers for the blind children.


NÁDAS, Béla dr.: Variable-displacement rotary-blade motor - ARANYÉREM

This is a volumetric hairdo motor with balanced rotation elements. Its blade size and working volume can continuously be variable from zero to a maximum value. This solution may be use as hydro pump or hydrostatic CVTs for vehicles.


Pocsai Tibor: Woven textile decor packaging for sweets

Sweets are to be individually packed in woven textile. Such manufactured sweets will come as part of a three dimensional composition. Woven materials are flexible, inexpensive, and easy to press, not prone to deformation. Examples for decor packaging of sweets: flowers (roses), animals, Santa and Easter figures and motifs.


RAISZ Iván dr. and BARTA István dr.: Methanol synthesis from communal waste - KÜLÖNDÍJ (Tesla Emlékérem)

This is modified syngas production. The oxygen source is clean oxygen, we not used direct steam flow, and the raw material has the necessary water for CO production and used modified gas flow direction and high carbon bed temperature. In this regime the syngas has not toxic organic and inert components. We spare the communal waste deposit gas, and use the CO2 for synthesis.


SZOLCSÁNYI, János dr, PAPP György: Beverages containing extracts of medicinal herbs - EZÜSTÉREM

The inventors developed a sugar free soft drink family containing water soluble capsaicin and humic acid komplex is unique in which the tasty ingredient owing to its direct effect on adipocytes induces weight loss and protects the gastric mucosa against drug-induced gastric damage and ulceration with not negligible virocid effect. We extended the effect of this invention for mineral waters, milks, tees and other drinking liquids.


SZÖLLŐSY, János, Tibor FARKAS, Antal GASPARICS: Conductance measuring without contact - EZÜSTÉREM

Invention combines the magnetic vector-field measurement with the optical position detection. The magnetic field distribution can be displayed as a colorful 3D image in real time by the help of the suitable data-acquisition and visualization software tool. This is new method of conductance measuring without contact.


TAMÁS, Eszter: Tea, jelly and balm from Euphorbia hirta (Tafedim)

The tropical Euphorbia hirta is one of the most valuable products of nature’s huge pharmacy, also widely used by folk medicine due to the following characteristics: scientific research has shown its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects; the herb may also reduce cramps, improve digestion, lower blood pressure and regenerate cells. When applied to the skin, the herb can cure scars, inflamed skin, warts, insect bites and skin rashes.


Urbán, István and LÁZÁR Edina: Reduction of carbon dioxide emitted in flue gas

The technology can be implemented at systems already equipped with a flue gas desulphurisation plant. The flue gas desulphurisation technology already known mainly applies limestone slurry in the scrubbers to bind sulphur dioxide. The limestone grain required for the process is produced by specialised companies through processing limestone from stone pits.


Vesztróci Nándor: Anti-stall concept for airplanes - EZÜSTÉREM

Airplane (conventional, such as a commercial one), which has a pair of swept-back wings provided with relatively sharp leading edge, and a pair of positive lift-producing horizontal stabilizers in the tail with very different aerodynamic properties possessing much steeper lift-coefficient curve, and provided with regular, rounded leading edge.


VENCLI, Gyula: Scissors for vintage

The mechanism of this scissors moves the cutting edges together the bunch holding parts.


A MAFE stand Nürnbergben (2010)