02. 11. 2004      IFIA General Assembly in Nuremberg 2004


The reforming of IFIA is necessary. According to our opinion the inventors organizations must widen the IFIA’s direction and IFIA’s financial basis. 
These are the meat of MAFE’s proposal to change the
Statutes of IFIA, which was sent to the IFIA Secretariat on October 27, 2002. 

The President did not take into consideration MAFE’s proposal in the basis of IFIA Statues Article 18 but we asked him to do it. This was an anti-democratic behavior of IFIA. 

The MAFE's delegate to IFIA GA (dr. Vedres) protested against this discriminative proceeding and after withdrawn from the meeting room.



Because the Agenda of this GA had been pointed against to IFIA Statues, the Association of Hungarian Inventors not consider to be in force the decision of IFIA GA General Assembly in Nuremberg.


   28. 10. 2002        Proposal of Modification of IFIA Statues by MAFE

This official proposal had been sent to  the IFIA Secretariat on October 27, 2002. 

Here is enclosed our letter, which had been sent to Mr. Farag Moussa to start the amendment of IFIA Statues (see below).

The meat of MAFE’s proposal to change the Status of IFIA is the next:

  1. to appreciate the merit of Mr. Farag Moussa,  
  2. to restore the former IFIA's Statutes, dividing the work between President - ExCo - Secretary General,
  3. to increase the Budget of IFIA by this proposal.

Here is the Amendment proposal of Association of Hungarian Inventors (MAFE). 


To: Mr. Dr. Farag Moussa

International Federation of Inventors’ Associations


Dear Farag Moussa, The President of IFIA,

The Association of Hungarian Inventors would like to express warm gratitude for your continuous, effective and altruistic work as the President of IFIA. You are who formed the Federation a worldwide organization of inventors. We accept your decision to finish your mandate as IFIA President in his December. But your total withdrawal retards the development of inventor movement. Therefore MAFE is proposed to modification of IFIA Statutes that Mr. Farag Moussa shall be the Honorary Life President of the Federation. We hope that you will accept this modification.

According our opinion, further modifications are necessary for the continuous and efficient work of Federation with special regard to the financial basis of IFIA.

We propose to divide the work of present President tree parts, as Honorary Life President, President and Secretary General. The Secretary General shall manage the Secretariat. He must guarantee the expenses of Secretariat.

In accordance with above we prepare the enclosed proposal for modification of Statues IFIA. MAFE as full member of IFIA asks the President and Secretariat to start the Amendment (Article 18) and to finish at General Assembly in Seoul.

Yours sincerely,

The Secretary General of MAFE

You can send your opinion and comments to MAFE here: genius@inventor.hu