2nd Inventors' Olympiad - GENIUS 2000 Budapest, Virtual Exhibition

Registry number: H-125 Category: H Country: Hungary
Servant Phone
The invention
  • The problem to be solved:
    Using a key-case size remote control you can always keep your telephone under control.
  • Definition:
    When far from the telephone set, you will be able to answer a call, to disconnect a communication or to initiate a manual or sensor-type emergency call by simply using your remote control unit.
  • Presentation: http://www.kuthi.hu
    The product is a simple, cost effective device that can be used together with an ordinary phone at any home to provide patient monitoring services. With the help of this device, automatic notice is provided to a predetermined recipient in given emergency situations. It can be operated by pushing a button (without accessing the phone), or by a digital signal of any diagnostic equipment at the patient's home. A two way communication is made possible. The device can be operated together with a switching center (CTI) that can operate basically as a patient database, showing all historic data of the patient at the time of the call.
    Suggested fields of application:
    - Office environment (conference rooms)
    - Health-care - hospitals, home nursing
    - Guarding lonly people - use of deadman adapters
    - Households - signalling the condition of assets
    - Fire prevention - using detectors and panic button
    - Property protection (with loudspeakers off)
    - Security services, control of persons

  • Application:
    Phone accesories
  • Advantages:
    Very cost effective, high quality treatment can be achieved in the homes of the patients. Much less hospital visits and nurse visits to the patients required. The cost of the equipment for the consumer can be under Euro 50.
  • Stage of development:
    - the prototype has been made and exhibited in operation in international shows
    - the documentation of pilot production is settled
    - complies with the requirements of the standard technical examination
  • Documentation available: Yes
The inventor(s)
  1. Name(s): KUTHI, Zoltán

The protection
  • Form: Patent application
  • Priority: September 1999
  • Countries where it is force:
Business intention: Inventor is looking for marketing and production partners with well-established distribution channels.
  • Name: KUTHI, Zoltán
  • E-mail: zkuthi@gtk.gau.hu
  • Fax: +36 28 521 139; Phone: +36 28 403 677,+36 20 33 629 55
  • Address: