- The
problem to be solved:
Sound penetration test, determinate the
pin resistant without coat-friction on
- Definition:
Sound for measuring the pin
resist on earthwork penetration, which
has changeable coats of pin on different
pin angles, places the force measuring
cell inside of it. The sound bar is
pressed by an electrical engine powered
wedgies-screw. The effect of bar’s
coat-friction do not disturb the fluently
measuring results.

- Application:
Offer test of earthworks, embankments,
and bridges backgrounds quality control
- Advantages:
Fluently measuring of earthwork pin
resist without coat-friction, which
represents the bearing capacity. The
uncompacted layers, spaces, waterways
could be determined easily and quickly.
Advanced quality control test for
earthworks, embankments, and bridges
backgrounds investigation.
- Stage
of development: Finished
prototype, experimental measuring in1999,
140 test carried out, in laboratory and
in site. Worked out repeatable study,
quality limit values and test
specification. Prepared for fabricating.
Trade name: A-sound
- Documentation
available: Yes
- Self
Dipl. civil engineer, dipl. economic
engineer, expert of road pavement
construction and qualifying. 1970-1980
Mining Research Institute, 1980-1990
Institute for Transport Sciences research
engineer, 1990- 1997 RODCONT Ltd. Co.
director, 1997- ANDREAS Ltd. Co.
director. Years 48, publications 33,
patent & know-how 21. Married
children 4.
- Form:
utility model (U 9900039 Reg.No.1588)
- Priority: 22.10.1999.
- Countries
where it is force: Hungary
intention: For sale, trading, frachising
system.Ttrade-name: A-sound
- Name:
Subert István, AndreaS Kft
- E-mail:
- Fax: (36-1) 463-0280
- Phone: +3630-919
- Address:
H-1119 Budapest, Tétényi út
110., Hungary