- The
problem to be solved:
Identification of the bulleted hand-guns
by means of the shot bullet.
- Definition:
The hard, sharp marking thorns,
which protrude into the barrel bore near
the muzzle from radial direction, scratch
line code marks on the bullet. The code
numbers are formed by the marking thorns,
which protrude under different angles as
compared to the initial mark.
- Presentation:
The present-day registrating
system of the fire-arms, which is based
on the factory numbering of the weapons,
has not been changed since the Napoleonic
wars and has become outdated. Since the
weapon can not be identified on the basis
of the shot bullets, a general lack of
confidence is shown in every gun holder.
The root of the problem is that the more
and more severe conditions of gun holding
make the society totally unarmed, but
they have no effect on the underworld,
thus degree of defencelessness increases.
Taking the responsibility of using a
weapon with line coding gun barrel is an
evidence of the honest intention of an
honest citizen to possess arms.

- Application:
army, private
- Advantages:
The marking thorns can be inserted into
the barrels of not only the new weapons
but also the existing ones. Thus, an
internationally unified computerized
registrating system of the fire-arms
could be established. By its enaction,
self-defence gun holding of private
persons may be liberalized. As a
confidence-building step, fire-arms of
armies of different countries could also
be marked by different code numbers.
- Stage
of development: Finished project
on the basis of a simple, traditional
- Documentation
available: Yes

- Self
I am a certificated mechanical engineer
and a certificated arms engineer, the
inventor of several arms and cartridge
inventions. This invention was awarded a
bronze medal at the INPEX XIV exhibition
(May 13– 17, 1998) in the
- Form:
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force: Hungary,
Patent No. 206 232; USA, Patent No. 5,299,373
The invention is a significant medium of
advertising, thus any well-known, world-famous
company may become its sponsor. The company,
which tries to arrange its enaction at the
legislators of different countries but mainly the
USA, may count on significant publicity during
the process, as it happened in the case of the
Brady Act of much smaller importance.
- Name:
- E-mail:
- Fax: +36
1 368 3049
- Address:
H-1035 Budapest, Szentendrei út
12., I/2., Hungary.