The invention
- The problem
to be solved:
The bending of the arched
parts of the arched stairs made of wood.
- Definition:
Bending pattern to
produce arched parts with any kind of arch, side
and ascent.
- Presentation:
My invention is a
never used bending pattern. Any two-way bended
(twisted) part can be peroduced with the using of
my invention.

- Application: Construction industry.
- Advantages:
It's adjustable to any
direction, time and basic material conomical,
fast adjusting.
- Stage of
Ready to produce.
- Documentation
available: Yes
The inventor(s)

- Self
introduction: Retired
The protection
- Form: Patent
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force: Hungary
intention: Offered to make the most. |
- Name: MÁNYI,
- E-mail:
- Fax:
- Address: H-4031
Debrecen, Császár Péter u.37., Hungary