- The problem
to be solved:
The problem to be solved : The different leather
pieces, cuttings, strips and trims issued during
leather processing and leather cutting
technologies is called scrap leather or leather
offal, which is hazardous waste. The processing
companies are storing, accumulating these
materials and usually not in environment friendly
ways. The invention is going to solve this
problem with returning the wastes into the
technological processes after the extract and
bonding the chrome oxide content, this way
avoiding that the heavy metals should penetrate
the soil.
- Definition:
The scrap leather, leather offal is
ground, and after grinding it is mixed with
polymers. The mixture is extruded afterwards into
the tool mould of the end product.
- Presentation:
The leather offal is ground in shredder,
then dried. The shred then mixed with ethylene of
basic vinyl acetate in an internal mixer. The
distinctive feature of the end product is reached
with further polymers added and mixed. The vinyl
acetate for bonding the chrome content is the
essence of the invention. The mixture is extruded
afterwards into the tool mould of the end
product. The temperature, speed and other
parameters of the extrusion are determined by the
end product, yet the temperature should not
exceed 150C°. Further technologies such as
colouring, hardening, softening etc. can be done
the same way that is used with plastics. The
leather content of the end product produced this
way may be as high as 80 %. The waste from the
manufacturing of this type of end products can be
reused in the technology.

- Advantages:
The protection of the environment. The reuse,
recycling of hazardous wastes in an environment
friendly way. The production of useful recycled
materials from the waste for the building
industry. The recycling reduces the accumulation
of wastes and the penetration, permeating of
heavy metals can also be ceased. Economic
advantages, storage capacity can be reduced, the
end product can be cheaper.
- Stage of
Examined successful semi-plant experiment
- Documentation
available: Yes; the experimental machine
will be exhibited during the fair
The inventor(s)
- Name(s): Zoltán
- Self
He was born on 26/05/1963 in Budapest. He is a
chemist. He is member of MAFE since 1991.
Inventions are mainly about the utilisation of
heavy metal muds. Disabled pensioner, inventor
with three children.
The protection
- Form: Exhibition
- Priority: 04/05/2000
- Countries
where it is force:
intention: Finding the consumer, the buyer, the
investor or the initiator of the invention |