- The
problem to be solved:
The formed ultra-thin hulls which
prepared to reduce the recalcitrance of
water, wings lift up fixed by torsion’s
swing on the hulls.
- Definition:
The ultra-thin hulls are footing
on the moveably wings fixed by
torsion’s spring. The water press,
which caused by the wave does not able to
throw the hulls because of it.
- Presentation:
The ultra-thin hulls are footing
on the moveably wings fixed by
torsion’s spring. The prepared shape
may be planned to one or more hulls. The
ship is stabile, quickly, low energy
needed and economical maintenance. Ideal
for rescue ship, because it’s immersion
is high when stops, but increasing from
the water after the start.

- Application:
Ideal ship for police, rescue, for
sporting, good hobby boat. Useably like
water-bike, trimaran, catamaran, powered
by engine or sailing installation.
- Advantages:
Because of very low recalcitrance of
water needs much smaller engine then the
others, higher speed may be reached, does
not sensibility against the waiving.
Stabile and in standing situation it’s
inversion is deep.
- Stage
of development:
Prototype under developing
- Documentation
available: Yes
- Self
Dipl. civil engineer, dipl. economic
engineer, expert of road pavement
construction and qualifying. 1970-1980
Mining Research Institute, 1980-1990
Institute for Transport Sciences research
engineer, 1990- 1997 RODCONT Ltd. Co.
director, 1997- ANDREAS Ltd. Co.
director. Years 48, publications 33,
patent & know-how 21. Married
children 4.
- Form:
patent application in Hungary (P9903782)
- Priority: 22.10.1999.
- Countries
where it is force: Hungary
intention: Licence for sale, looking for fabrication partners
- Name:
Subert István, AndreaS Kft
- E-mail:
- Fax: (36-1) 463-0280
- Phone: +3630-919
- Address:
H-1119 Budapest, Tétényi út
110., Hungary