- The
problem to be solved:
Quick and perfect mixing and/or hundred
percent homogenization of materials of
different or similar state of
- Definition:
The equipment is for mixing
materials of similar or different state
of aggregation more specifically for
creating liquid to liquid, liquid to
suspension, gas or powder medium. Mixing
of the components passing through the
mixing space (typically a tubular
housing) is effected by special form
tetrahedral elements inserted in said
- Presentation:
TETRAMIX is a no moving part
equipment for mixing materials of similar
or different state of aggregation, that
is for forming liquid to liquid, liquid
to suspension, liquid to granulate or
powder as well as gas to gas mixtures.
The initial stream is split into for
sub-streams on the special mixing
inserts. As the stream impacts on
subsequent inserts such splitting and
recombination occurs on each insert.
Essentially, each mixing insert
quadruples the number of splits. For
example, in a stream passing through a
device consisting of 12 inserts, the
number of splits and their variation is
more than 16.7 million. This dominantly
stream-splitting form of mixing is
typical to thick, viscous materials. A
further special feature of the mixing
insert is that they create turbulence in
both axial and radial directions,
resulting in tunnel-free, quadratic and
perfect intermixture of the components.
The latter, turbulent mixing is typical
to materials with densities similar to
water. Perfect mixing and practically 100
percent homogenization can be attained by
combination of the above two mixing
patterns. The required energy is provided
by the kinetic energy of the flow.
Preferable field of application of the
equipment is where physical and chemical
processes take place in seconds or where
high homogenization grade of the end
product is required. Such fields are
water, environment, pulp, spirits, food,
pharmaceuticals, heavy and light chemical
industry applications.

- Advantages:
Minimal usage energy and additives,
maximized mixing and homogenizing
efficiency, high end-product quality. Due
to the absence of moving parts, the
equipment does not require maintenance
and no operational disturbance or
equipment failure may arise. Its
practically unlimited operational life
time involves insignificant investment
and negligible operational costs.
- Stage
of development: industrial
- Documentation
available: yes
- Self
introduction: M.S. Mch. Eng.,
Post-grad. Eng. In waterworks, Head of
L&L Engineering Services, Member of
the Chamber of Engineers, Expert in water
management. Management and implementation
of special filtration, mixing related as
well as complex drinking/industrial water
supply projects.
- Form:
Utility model (1215 U)
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force: Hungary
intention: Licensing of know-how and/or
rights for distribution of the product as well as
selling said product.
- Name:
- E-mail:
- Fax: +3648-
317 672
- Address:
H-3700 Kazincbarcika, Paál L.
u. 45, Hungary