The invention
- The problem
to be solved:
To create a bicycle which is transportable in a
- Definition:
See presentation
- Presentation:
When folded, the bicycle is 60 cm. long,
90 cm. high and the width is equal to the wheel
axle length or approx. 12 cm. What is new about
this bicycle is the shape of the frame, which
makes folding possible. The shape of the frame
resembles a triangle laid on its side. There is a
joint at each point of this triangle whose three
sides are of various and different lengths. Of
the three joints, two are fixed and one is
movable (slide action). The movable joint is to
be found on the horizontal side of the triangular
frame, above the front wheel.
The wheel dimension is 12'. The adequate
peripheral speed is arrived by a transmission of
two successive parts. One cycle of the pedals
will move the bike about 5 meters, which is the
average distance for one cycle on most bikes.
Turning is made easier due to the size of the
- Application: Personal
- Advantages:
Cheap to manufacture
Small and lightweight
To set up takes about 20 seconds.
It can be stored in the average cars trunk space
Stage of development: sample to be used
- Stage of
- Documentation
available: Yes
The inventor(s)

- Self
He is retired, weak sight.
The protection
- Form: Patent
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force:
intention: He is looking for manufacturers |
- Name: István
- E-mail:
- Tel.: +361
340 3697
- Address: H-1133
Budapest, Ipoly u.30. Hungary