- The
problem to be solved:
The playground of
chess is expanded in all dimensions.
- Definition:
The invention is
tended to establish the spatial form of
chess. Furthermore, is describes the
necessary accessories and rules.
- Presentation:
To the invention
lead the following recognition: If we
place one or more building elements onto
the traditional chessboard by soluble
bond, we can establish a very varied
field depending on the quantity of the
placed building elements and the
formation of the placing, on which you
can play in accordance with the created
field formations. The stepped playground
formed by using of brick shaped building
elements always has a chessboard
figuration. The staring point of chessmen
is suitable for the traditional chess.
Their marching mode accommodates to the
relief. The building rules of the
playground and the marching mode of the
chessmen are enclosed to each set.

- Advantages:
You can create
with such a set more thousand versions of
the playground, on which space chess can
be played by means of the traditional
chessmen. The playground of space chess
can be build up in accordance with the
momentary demand, taste of the players,
or according with their intent designed
in advance.
- Stage
of development:
Its production is
solved, it is in circulation.
- Documentation
- Name(s):
József DUKÁN and

- Self
József Dukán, (Úrkút)
is certificated geologist and
certificated biologist, geological leader
of Coal Mines of Ajka.
Károly Havasi, (Ajka) is general
mechanic technician, designer of special
machines, pensioner.
- Form:
Exhibition priority
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force:
intention: Sale of patent and/or the
- Name:
József DUKÁN
- E-mail:
- Phone:
- Address:
H-8409 Úrkút,
Erdő utca 8, Hungary