- The problem
to be solved:
Both rex-ball and bill-ball are games,
which are suitable for both sporting and
leisure-time activities.
- Definition:
The game can be played with a handball or
football, following the modified rules of rex
respectively billiards in outdoor or indoor
playing fields. The aim of the game is to throw
the ball into holes worth different values on a
board-fenced field. Size: rex-ball: 6m x 4m,
bill-ball: 8m x 4m.
- Presentation:
The game is played with a handball or football
with the modified rules of rex respectively
billiards in outdoor or indoor playing fields. It
excellently develops the kicking technical of the
player in a playful way. Both young and old
people enjoy playing it. The playing field can
easily be assembled on the location.

- Application:
Leisur-time sport.
- Advantages:
Small space needed, the field can be created
anywhere (sport fields, parks, entertainment
centres). The area can be lawn, cinders, wood,
artificial material, etc. It excellently develops
the kicking technical of the player in a playful
way. It can be played by children as well as by
elderly people.
- Stage of
The structure of the field is manufactured by the
Pilis Forestry Ltd. It can be ordered the
delivery is continuous. The documentation is
available at the inventor.
- Documentation
available: yes
The inventor(s)
- Self
He has several inventions have been
awarded with diplomas and Genius prize at
international exhibitions of inventors.
The protection
- Form: Patent
application (Hungary)
- Priority: 03/06/1999
- Countries
where it is force:
intention: The invention is for sale. The
structural elements of the field are for sale. |
- Name: SCHÜLT,
- E-mail: visegrad@mail.matav.hu
- Fax: +
36 26 398 165
- Address: H-2025
Visegrád Pázmány P. u 15, Hungary