- The problem
to be solved:
A fun-like way of teaching Mathematics to primary
school children.
- Definition:
The invention is a board game that can
be played by 2-6 people which consists of a board
of squared pattern 4 sets of tokens numbered from
1 to 20, in all 80 tokens, and 140 pieces of
tokens provided with +, - , x , / , = symbols.
- Presentation:
The players form equalities by placing
their tokens on the board successively. They can
cross or organise into chains the equalities on
the board.
To create a new
equaities maximally 2 pieces of numbered tokens
and an unlimited number of tokens with +, - , x ,
/ , = may be used. If the player has used 2
pieces of numbered tokens, it is the next
player's turn.
If the player uses
only 1 piece of numbered token, it is his/her
turn again. Only numbered tokens can link, tokens
with +, - , x , / , = may not link!

- Application: The
game can be applied in school teaching, and it
can also be an outstanding new member of the
family's collection of games..
- Advantages: Children
can get closer to mathematics by playing.
- Stage of
development: Prototype.
- Documentation
available: Yes
The inventor(s)
- Name(s): Éva

- Self
I was born in 1967. I am an artist of applied
arts. This invention was born when I was learning
with my two little sons.
The protection
- Form: patent
- Priority: 20th
April 1999.
- Countries
where it is force:
intention: Selling the patent, finding partners
for production. |