- The
problem to be solved: the reduce
of dog soil from public areas
- Definition:
The establishment of defecation
places for dog in public areas with
multifunction establishment.
- Presentation:
Solutions up till now tried to
attain the active, manual co-operation of
the person walking the dog, with the lack
of success characteristic of the given
public areas. The invention approaches
the problem from a basically new
direction. It is based on the instinctive
behaviour of dogs. The aim and the
result: for the excrement to be removed
from the pavement and the walking
surface. The defecation place established
for dogs is an establishment set up in
the parking lane, built in to the road or
pavement surface, to appropriate place,
in appropriate form, treatment with the
appropriate agent, with the necessary
frequency of positioning. The
establishment, depending on the local
prescriptions, could also be set up in an
island, /hollow/. The pavements, parking
lanes, parks, playgrounds become much
cleaner, public hygiene and public
condition is significantly improved.
These facilities are protected by the
parked vehicles, they do not disturb the
traffic. The number of parked cars is not
restricted either, as the free space
between the cars is only set in one place
instead of being accidental. These
establishment make the street rain water
drains and other public utility
installations /water, firewater, gas shut
off valves, etc./ accessible at any time.
The construction of these facilities is
not prohibited by relevant prescriptions
or decrees. The facilities may be made
self-financing. With the application of
this invention the amount of dog
excrement in public areas can be
radically and quickly reduced. The
invention gives an efficient instrument
to the owners, maintainers of the public
areas in the place of the one way, dog
owner addressing instruments used up till
now with little result.

- Application:
At public areas.
- Advantages:
The dog becomes activated, it does not
require the active co-operation of the
person walking the dog. The effectiveness
of the facilities is automatically
strengthened. The formation is cheap,
vandal-proof, does not require
maintenance, its cleaning requires less
total work than the present situations.
- Stage
of development: feasible
developed technology and material by
- Documentation
- Self
introduction: city resident dog
owner, construction engineer, company
- Form:
Utility model, PCT application
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force:
intention: Joint venture co-operation,
- Name:
- E-mail:
- Fax: +361-316
78 00
- Address:
H-1027 Budapest, Csapláros u.
15., Hungary