- The problem
to be solved:
Construction of a bed to prevent decubitus or to
treat the bed sore.
- Definition:
ADB is an electronic controlled
automatic running bed producing a continuos
massage on the lying surface without disturbing
the patient. The frequency of the change of the
lying surface or frequency of the massage depend
on an electromotor (24V) supervised by time
switch or electronics. The minimal vertical
pulsation (0,5-1 cm) of the whole body of the
patient does not disturb infusion or other
instrumental controls of patient.
- Presentation:
Decubitus is one of the greatest danger
for the continuously bedridden-patients.
Frequently the consequence of the bed-sore,
necrobiosis and its bacterial contamination may
lead to sepsis or toxicosis causing death of the
patient. The treatments of decubitus are
circumstantial, expensive and labor intensive. In
ADB patient never have bed sore or the decubitus
recover quicker, cheaper and without giving
problems for the nurse.
The ADB does not need special storage. It can be
used as a regular bed in the hospital, if the
operation of the mechanism is not needed.
Because it is relatively inexpensive, it is
available for all hospitals.

- Application: Medical
- Advantages:
It can prevent decubitus, and promotes recovery
of developed decubitus. The night will be
refreshing for the people with lack of sleeping
reflex. After exhausting work and bending it is a
pleasure to have a little rest in the ADB.
- Stage of
It is prototype, but the factory is ready to
- Documentation
available: Yes
The inventor(s)
- Name(s): István

- Self
I am medical biologist, finding anticholesterol
antibody in human sera in Hungary. This antibody
has an important role in the protection against
atherosclerosis. In the last time the antigen
giving active protection against experimental
atherosclerosis (Now it is in preclinical level)
and the ADB were patented by me. The most serious
and dangerous diseases (decubitus,
atherosclerosis, cancer, psoriasis ) are in the
focus of my interest, and I believe the ADB is
only one of the successes I achieved in the field
of my interest.
The protection
- Form: Patent
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force:
intention: I am looking for distributors |
- Name: István
- E-mail: HORIST@BOR.SOTE.hu
- Fax: +36
1 355 71 17
- Address: H-1125
Budapest, Istenhegyi ut 35/a, Hungary