The invention
- The problem
to be solved:
To enable the player to create an endless variety
of track systems, using modular building
- Definition:
Construction game with moving ball
- Presentation:
The purpose of the game is to build
spectacular tracks, where the balls roll along
without stopping or leaving the tracks.
It develops creativity, skills of observation,
combination, the sense of space, color, form and
rhythm. It allows a playful recognition of the
law of physics.
It is a pleasing game for children and adults
whether played alone or in group.
- Advantages:
The tracks to be constructed are not
predetermined but are dependent on the fantasy,
creativity of the player.
- Stage of
development: Available product
- Documentation
available: Yes, leaflets, videos, photos
for marketing are available. Web pages:
The inventor(s)
- Name(s): Mrs.
- Self
introduction: Designer, He has been won WIPO Gold medal
as the best woman inventor in 4th GENIUS International Invention
Exhibition, Budapest, 2002.
The protection
- Form: Patent
- Priority: 30/08/1995
- Countries
where it is force: H, EU, USA
intention: worldwide sale of product |
- Name: Boyonex
- E-mail:
- Fax: +36 23 375-027
- Address: 2030 Érd,
Kankalin u 9., Hungary