- The
problem to be solved:
The main aim was to design a hall-stand
that does not occupy too much storage
room when it is out of use and can
quickly and easily be put in use when
- Definition:
The collapsible hall-stand is a
telescopic design one that after
collapsing it occupies only a small
place, it is like an approximately three
inch diameter and three feet long tube
offering an easy storage and when it is
opened again it is a normal size
- Presentation:
The collapsible hall-stand is
made of light aluminium tubes and
tube-like components. The hall-stand
consists of the main support, the legs
and the hangers at the top. Some of the
parts are connected to each other by
articulated joint turning around each
other or around pins, while others can be
slipped into the others as a telescope.
In opened state the main support, the hat
and the coat hangers, the legs are fitted
in the properly designed openings. The
lateral extension of the legs has been
designed to safely hold the load. The
storage is made by collapsing the main
support and by tilting the protruding
parts inside the openings made for this
- Application:
The use of the collapsible hall-stand is
recommended in small rooms and cloakrooms
where suddenly more then the readily
available coat hangers required or where
no cloakroom exists but a lot of people
must be attended.
- Advantages:
Easy to store it in a small place when it
is out of use. It can quickly be put in
use when required. In higher temperature
seasons the cloakroom can also be used
for other purposes.
- Stage
of development:
The prototype is already available, it is
properly designed for mass production.
- Documentation
available: Yes.

- Self
The inventor is 65 years old, he is a
qualified mechanical engineer, actually
managing director. He is the MAFE's Secretary and constructor of
numerous novelties being inventor since
35 years and has 27 inventions.
- Form:
exhibition priority
- Priority: 04 May, 2000.
- Countries
where it is force:
intention: The inventor is looking for
manufacturing and marketing partners.
- Name:
- E-mail:
- Fax: +36-1 358-9363
- Address:
H-1476 Budapest, P. O. Box 25.