- The
problem to be solved:
It facilitates the washing in case of
plastered and bandaged limbs, it prevents
them from getting wet and impedes
secondary illnesses to develop, e.g.
fungus infection, resorption.
- Definition:
Bathing bag, special foil,
environment-friendly product, breathing
foil, impermeable for gases, hardly
getting steamy.
- Presentation:
In case of hospital and home
treatment ( washing in bed ) it protects
the bandage from getting dirty and wet.
The patient can have a wash alone.
There’s no need for a new bandage or a
new plaster because of the dirt caused by
the moistening, Bandage, time and money
are saved. Solution : Higi Set ( bathing
bag )

- Application:
Protection for wounded limbs.
- Advantages:
Easy to handle and to clean, simple to
fit, it can be used more than once after
cleaning it with a dry cloth. It can be
cut to size, and because of the high
elastic extension of the rubber locking
facility it can be bent double and this
way it can be used for children as well.
By using it we can make toleration of the
illness easier.
- Stage
of development: Product
- Documentation
available: Yes
- Self
I am 45 years old, through my own
ankle-fracture I experienced the
difficulties of cleaning with a plastered
- Form:
Utility model (U 1347)
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force: Hungary
intention: I am looking for a
- Name:
Ferenc CSER
- E-mail:
- Fax: +3682-
432 812, Mobil : +36-30-9597 512
- Address:
H-7400 Kaposvár, Erdei Ferenc
u.18., Hungary