- The
problem to be solved:
In Hungary the only place, where the main
activity is still horseradish production
is Bagamér and it's surrounding area.
Production type is monoculture. Produced
varieties are morphologically
heterogeneous, yields and resistance to
diseases are below the desirable.
- Definition:
Our efforts were to achieve
certain results in the field of
variety-improvement. At the beginning we
applied only selection and then
micro-propagation as well. By this way we
tried to increase homogeneity and then to
approach this to the market demand.

- Application:
Our varieties presently used as: edible
horseradish (shredded, with vinegar, or
cream), horseradish cream,
salad-dressing, hair-treatment. Dried
horseradish is used for human consumption
and industrial extraction.
- Advantages:
The root (rhizome) is healthy, evenly
growing (thickening), smooth surfaced,
white coloured and delicious. Next to the
creation of a favourable market image,
the variety specific production methods
has also been established, which resulted
that the completing of industrial
processing and application came to the
- Stage
of development:
Varieties are propagated on
stock-plantations - supported by the OMMI
(National Institute for Agricultural
Quality Control), FVM (Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development), OMFB
(National Committee for Technical
Development). Our activity is entirely
export orientated, because more than 90%
of our products are sold in abroad.
- Documentation
available: records and results
of DUS, UPOV tests and examinations.
- Name(s):
Bagaméri 93/1: Péter RÁCZ, Dr. László GÉCZI; Bagaméri delicate: Péter RÁCZ, Dr. László GÉCZI, Antal APAGYI
- Self
At the beginning of the 90's we could
select a few high-yielding lines from the
plantation of Mr.Imre Török (producer)
in Bagamér region. Selection was
completed by comparative control trials
of varieties, which we accomplished in
different places, e.g.: Bagamér,
Újléta, Debrecen-Pallag and
Demonstration Area of DATE (Debrecen
Agricultural University).
- Form:
Both of the varieties have
patent and registered trade-mark. (212.838, 213.885, and trade -mark
with figure: 146.898)
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force: Hungary
intention: Licencing
and looking for distriutors
- Name:
Péter RÁCZ
- E-mail:
- Fax: +36 52 446-954
- Phone:
- Address:
H-4032 Debrecen, 5/c. Mikszáth K. u 5/c, Hungary