- The problem
to be solved:
Better adjustability, better soil shredding and
ploughing stem remainders, achieving a 180o soil
turn-up, developing a new-type coulter of higher
efficiency and longer life-span, still greater
savings in output and fuel, achieving a crop
increase, further increase in the efficiency of
environmental protection.
- Definition:
The roller plough is a device on the
plough-stock of which, fastened to the plough
beam through bolted junction, the share-beam with
the extremely short twisted breast-board is built
on and, in its continuance, the mould-board
rollers are situated which play a substantial
part is turning up and shredding the soil,
rotating around a rotation axis. In front of the
share-beam and the plough-iron, a toothed coulter
is situated along with a pre-milling device, in a
design that assists the most in the complete
cultivation of a weedy soil with stem remainders
in it. The plough does not support itself against
the furrow wall through the plough cane plates
but through a so-called plough cane wheel
rotating around its shaft.
- Presentation:
The reason why we speak about a range of
roller ploughs is that we can manufacture ploughs
from the smallest size, which can be pulled by a
man, up to the 12-sharebeam large-size plug with
a plough width of 35 cm and a plough depth of 35
cm, in all variations, with the small ones and
the large ones alike. The point of the plough is
that its frictional energy loss is extremely low.
At each point where a big frictional energy loss
would emerge, parts rotating around their shafts
are installed the frictional energy loss of which
is the minimum. The slice of soil cut out by
means of the plough-iron is slided up by the
small-size breast-board to the mould-board
rollers which, due to their special design, cut
the soil, make it crumby and slide it out at a
high speed onto the surface of the furrow.
Consequently, the soil structure is crumby in the
whole cross-section and of extremely good
structural pattern in respect of sowing. The
toothed coulter and the pre-milling device are of
great importance which turn the stem remainders,
manure and other plant remainders into the bottom
of the furrow immediately before the share-beam,
thereby ensuring a perfect solution to
fertilising the result of which is the crop
- Advantages:
The advantages of the roller plough compared to
the traditional plough are the cheaper and more
efficient, more perfect cultivation of soil and
the huge fuel savings and the protection of
environment. Compared to the traditional plough,
its output is by 30 to 60 % higher, while its
fuel demand is by 29 to 54 % less which is still
enhanced by additional fuel savings by the fact
that it makes further soil cultivations after
ploughing unnecessary in preparing the sowing
and, after harvesting, it ploughs the stem
remainders without any preliminary working on it.
As a matter of fact, it makes the use of the
stem-crusher, disc, ring roller and soil surface
grading unnecessary. At the same time, as a
result of good cultivation of soil, a crop
increase of 10 to 30 % can be expected. Its
environmental impact is extremely good.
- Stage of
Its development was completed by the end of 1999.
- Documentation
available: Yes
The inventor(s)
- Name(s): István
PÉNTEK junior and István PÉNTEK senior
- Self
István Péntek jr. works as a manager of a
preventive maintenance workshop of a plastic
processing plant unit where there are mechanical,
hydraulic and pneumatic machines. He is also the
technical manager of the SZIFÉM Kft /LLC/ and
managing director of the PÉNTEK és FIA Bt
/PÉNTEK & Son Deposit Partnership/
The protection
- Form: Patent
- Priority: End
of 1999
- Countries
where it is force:
intention: Manufacturing the product, its
introduction on the market, its spreading throughout the
world. |
- E-mail: aiboss04@mail.matav.hu
- Fax: +361
385 0989
- Address: István
Péntek, H-1112 Budapest, Menyecske u. 1.