- The problem
to be solved:
Odor free treatment and recycling of sewage
water, sewage sludge, organic waste and organic
- Definition:
Rhyolite tuff filter is used for the
treatment of waste water. The solid phases are
mixed with of rhyolite tuff.
- Presentation:
The sedimented solid phase of the
communale waste water and the animal keeping
origin liquid-manure is trerated by rhyolite tuff
grist. At the result of this treatment of solid
parts of sludge and liquid manure is coverted
into a subtance free from smell and infection,
and it can easy put and disperse.
- Application: treatment
of waste water.
- Advantages:
The quality of treated watse water is a watering
quality and it can be used for it. The sludges
can be applied for plant nutrition because of
high macro and micro nutrient content of it.
- Stage of
Applied technology
- Documentation
available: Yes
The inventor(s)
- Name(s): Mihály

- Self
He has been dealing with the agricultural
utilization and intoduction to the practice of
rhyolite tuff at the Agricultural University of
Debrecen since 1978.
The protection
- Form: Patent
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force: Hungary
intention: passing of technology for utilization |
- Name: Mihály
- E-mail:
- Fax: +36
52 418 287
- Address: H-4028
Debrecen, Dobsina u. 4. Hungary