- The problem
to be solved:
Fertilization of plant with a mixture of sewage
sludge, rhyolite tuff and lime which is good in
vegatables, fruit, grape and flower production.
- Definition:
By the mixing of three components of
fertilizer (sewage sludge, rhyolite tuff and
lime) a plant nutrien can be produced which is
applicable for every soil and vegetation type.
- Presentation:
The easily dispersable mixture is
convenient for amelioration of soil structure and
pH, good source of N,P,K and micronutrients. It
increases the yield, applicable on arable land,
horticulture and greenhouses. The fruits and
vegetables mature 4-6 days earlier, the sugar
content of fruits is higher. The flowers has
stronger stalk and brighter colours.
- Advantages:
The fertilizer mixture rich in macro and micro
nutrient, it can solve the utilization of sewage
sludge by environmentally friendly way.
- Stage of
Aplied technology
- Documentation
available: Yes
The inventor(s)
- Name(s): Mihály

- Self
He has been dealing with the agricultural
utilization and intoduction to the practice of
rhyolite tuff at the Agricultural University of
Debrecen since 1978.
The protection
- Form: Patent
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force: Hungary
intention: passing of technology for utilization |
- Name: Mihály
- E-mail:
- Fax: +36
52 418 287
- Address: H-4028
Debrecen, Dobsina u. 4. Hungary