- The
problem to be solved:
Animals have to been lifted or driven
into the known transportation facilities,
in the course of it accelerative force
has to be used.
- Definition:
The solution is a chest-like
device, the measurements of which fit to
the measurements of the body of the
animals to be transported. The device is
divided lengthwise into two parts along a
vertical plane, and the parts are coupled
together at the two narrower lateral (and
in a given instance at the upper)
wallelements by means of separable hinge
structures. The bottom wallelement of the
device is a closed plate, the other
wallelements have grated configuration.
- Presentation:
Smoller animals (30 kg - 60
pounds) can be transported as luggage on
the public vehicles (bus, tram, train,
airplane etc.). Advantages: the animal
gets near to the body, vaccination,
narcosis, medical examination, measuing
the weight or temperature etc. The
guarding-transporting chest, that is
bigger by 1 - 2 cm (0,4 - 0,8 inch) than
the size of the animal, can be locked on
without touching (lifting, constraint,
spreading of madness) the animal. The
animal can stay, sit, lie in it, can see
out from it, can be secured (seatbelt).The
guarding-transporting chest consists of
two halves. Three divided walls are
coupled together by means of hinge
structures, with hingepins can be pulled
out (such as a yoke-pin). So the chest
can be opened in three direction. It is
advisable the animal being in the chest
to be walked every two hours.
The device
can be use is not only for transporting,
but minor medical treatments also can be
perfoprmed by mounting the animal in it
which can happen by means of rods passed
through the openings of the gridlike
wallelements. In this way, the animals
can be mounted absolute immovably without
any pain. Perfoprming minor medical
treatments are made significantly easier
if parts of the body of animals can be
accessible without opening the
instrument. For this, wallelements can be
provided with small doors.

- Application:
Transportation of
- Advantages:
On using, the hinge structure at one of
the lateral wallelements can be separated
and the two parts can be spread by means
of the hinge structure of the other
lateral wallelement. Accordingly, animals
do not have been touched for the
- Stage
of development: The product is
in the phase of developement
- Documentation
available: not

- Form:
utility modell (HU - U 95 00007)
- Priority: 17.01.1995
- Countries
where it is force: Hungary
intention: Utilizing the intellectual
product through sale or licence agreement.
- Name:
- E-mail:
- Fax:
- Phone: +361- 277-28-76
- Address:
H - 1213 Budapest, XXI.
Királyerdő u. 140.,