- The
problem to be solved:
If somebody goes and sit down in a cinema
to see a film, or somebody wants to eat,
while he is driving - irregularly - it is
unpleasant to hold food and drink in his
But if you have a two-level tray (in
which, there is the drink in a closed
space at the bottom and there is some
food on the top, which is open). So you
can eat comfortably.
- Definition:
Two - level tray, in which we
can put the drink in a closed space at
the bottom. And we can put the food on
the top tray, which is open.
There is a straw between the two
platters. It makes the consumption more
- Presentation:
The invention in fact is one -
litre plastic glass (in our example, but
it can be smaller a bigger, too), which
is closed in the middle. You can find an
opening on the edge of the bottom tray.
You can pour the drink into it here and
stuck out it from here. So the essence of
the tray is that, we can put the drink
into the closed bottom space, and you can
drink it with a straw. You can put the
food on the top, for example: popcorn
fried potatoes, etc.
- Application:
It can be offered in cinemas, fast food
restaurants, etc
- Advantages:
Its advantage is high comfort
- Stage
of development:
The first prototype
- Documentation

- Self
He is 30 years old man, he works in the
private sector, married, he has a son.
- Form:
Exhibition priority
- Priority:
- Countries
where it is force:
intention: I would like to sell the
right of manufacture or I would like to search
for investor to the manufacture.
- Name:
Zsolt Antoni
- E-mail:
- Fax: +36-78-321-362
- Address:
H-6237 Kecel, Thokoly str. 17.