Association of Croatian Inventors presents:
Zoran Maksan:
With currently available diving fins it is extremely
impractical and dangerous to walk on the shore. During underwater works
or any kind of need of diver for walking on the bottom of the sea,
currently available diving fins make it almost impossible, except if
they are taken off, which is very dangerous. For military divers or
divers that combine diving and repeated walking on the shore, there is
only one solution, to stow the fins or carry them.
We offer an effective solution to this problem:
The same design of the front part of the fin (in
front of the toes). Our concept can be used on all types of the front
parts of the fins.
Resistance of the foot part of the fin is
significantly reduced and hydrodynamics of this part is improved.
Folding of the fin below the knee must be performed
in one step for a maximum of 5 seconds. The same applies for returning
the fin to the swimming position.
When in the walking position, the fin enables
normal walking on any kind of surface, both on shore and in the sea.
In the swimming position, load and forces on the
foot, which occur during swimming, are equally arranged on the foot and
there are no excessive loads on any particular parts of the foot.
The complete fin is simpler to produce compared to
similar fins that are currently available on the market. It is possible
to use previous moulds (with minimal modifications) to produce our fins.
Diving boots demand certain changes, so can be used
with these fins.
Petar Kuniĉ:
Possibility to choose 16 various frequencies, tones
and sound intensities
Possibility to use high frequencies (ultrasound)
Possibility to use low frequencies (it could be heard
to long distances)
Possibility to choose various sounds with click sound
All sound are placed in one circle (turn) of the
sound regulator
Use of numerated regulator with 16 divisions, because
of accurate choice of wanted sound in every moment
Fast and accurate finding of wanted sounds
This invention refers to a cooling system for various
electronic devices, which are heated during work and use air flow for
cooling. It can be used for various electronic devices, but its primary
use is for cooling system of a personal computer (PC).
Mutual integration of a work table and personal
computer is until now made in minimal form, like conducting the computer
power supply. The problem of aesthetical nature remains, because the
cables were not integrated (hidden) or at least placed in suitable cable
This technical solution, combines existing cooling
systems in a new system. The closed cooling system is used, so the noise
of flowing medium (air) can be eliminated. It can be said, that the best
characteristics of conventional cooling (air, standard elements, no
compatibility problem), water cooling (closed system without the dust,
noiseless work) and top design were used.
SIPOK system for laying down streetcar tracks on the
segmented rests with continued concrete background, can be used to make
either new or reconstruction of existing streetcar tracks. During
reconstruction of existing tracks, the SIPOK system enables slow
streetcar traffic. Project and design determine unique physical
characteristics of the elements materials used for laying the tracks,
necessary for optimal energy absorption when the wheel meets the track,
respectively its distribution into elements of laying system as energy
capacity. With this specially designed laying system, a working life of
at least 20 years is achieved, for straight tracks, and with a workload
of 70 kN.
Devices for vehicle towing with automatic multistage
regulation of ration between forces and masses
one sided
two sided
without jerk action, is characterised with unique and inviting (without
service) construction, which enables complete independence of
longitudinal turning and height position of both vehicles, with
technology of a high level. For both sides with multistage without jerk
action, regardless of whether the towed vehicle is pulled or pushed in
front, and with precise (less than a millimetre) regulation of joints of
vehicle and devices elements, etc.
They represent, one can say, international project
and collaboration of industrial and other parties, with commercial name
Rex 1. and Rex 2. - under international sponsorship of USA Holding.
Projects are in progress, to introduce this project
to over 60 countries throughout the world. It is considered as the
project with the best concept, in the history of the peripheral
automotive industry (auto accessories are not included), and therefore
it was awarded with the Gold Letter patent and Grand Gold Medal (USA
It has quality of merchandise attests,
Recommendations for use from large insurance companies, practical attest
and recommendation from the Croatian auto club (HAK - member of FIA).
Among other things, it is necessary to include unique official
recommendations and opinions from the Department of traffic of the
Republic of Croatia - taking into account the use and possession of this
unique device.
The production of the device is in progress - Patent
claims in Croatia - project and models registered - Inter. Priority