Those present: 54 persons (news, radio,
TV correspondents and others); Reactions after the event:
articles of daily newspaper (Hungarian News
Agency Corp., METRO, Magyar Nemzet, Népszabadság, Magyar Hírlap) and
several radio and TV reports.
Talk with Mr. C.
K. Tao (Director of TAITRA - Taiwan Trade Center) about the cooperation, on
May 23, 2006 in IFIA Office
Organizing an
IFIA collective invention show and participation on
exhibition (May 29 - June 1, 2006)
A presentation of
inventions (2 from Subotica, 3 from Bosnia & Herzegovina, 5-5 Croatians and Hungarians) had
been prepared (posters and exhibition materials) and those had been
transported to Beograd and back by IFIA Office. The assistance of IFIA
President was Mr. Rudolf Vojnić-Tunić
from Inventors Club Subotica/Szabadka.
The venue of the
exhibition was the hall of Ethnographic Museum at the city center.
Occasion of this event was the 150th birthday of Nicola Tesla. There were
120 inventions from 5 countries.
Mr. András Vedres IFIA President opened the show, on May 29 at presence of the leaders of
Belgrade city, Serbian inventors organizations, representatives of media
and participants, and he congratulated to Mr. Djuro Borak, the President
of Belgrade Association of Inventors on the 50th Association's birthday.
The IFIA items
received 10 prizes.

The IFIA booth in Beograd had two sides - Hungarian and Croatian items

Dr. prof. Milan Dudurović
represent and inventions from Bosnia on the IFIA booth
Talk with
official persons in Belgrade (May 29 - 31, 2006)
Mr. András Vedres IFIA President
met the leaders of several
Serbian inventors organizations (Mr.
Djuro Borak, President of Belgrade Association of Inventors, Mr.
Milos Katić, President of API,
Petrovaradin; Mr. dr. Ljubinko Ilić,
Representative of Jupin, Mr. academic Petar Rajasits, Serbian
Academia, Innovation Sciences) who laid emphasis on the importance of
their active IFIA membership.
Mr. András Vedres IFIA President
met Mr. Bojan Stanojević,
City Manager of Belgrade, who offered the Sava Center
to IFIA to organize an international event in Belgrade on 2007. The
Sava Center is an international, congress, cultural and business
centre of various multi-functional activities. Situated in the close
vicinity of Sava and Danube Rivers mouth, five minutes away from the
in-centre of the town and fifteen minutes from Belgrade Nicola Tesla
Airport. Its construction lasted from 1976 thru 1979.

Mr. Bojan Stanojević
on left

Mr. Dragan
the State Secretary - second from left

On the head of the table the Minister and
Mr. academic Petar Rajasits with
the JUPIN delegate

Mr. Milan Janković
and Mr. Vedres in the center and the participants of discussion
Finally Mr. András
Vedres IFIA President Mr. Miodrag Marković
Assistant Director of Intellectual
Property Office who informed him the situation of his office. Mr.
Vedres declared the representation of Serbian inventors' and patent
holders' interest by the IFIA on international levels (as EU, EPO, WTO

Mr. Miodrag Marković
and IFIA President