Ref. No: VA017/22/02/2007
Circular No: 4
Subject: About IFIA work 2007
Dear IFIA Member,
I cordially greet you at the beginning of New Year. I would like to inform you about important decisions of the IFIA ExCo and the European Inventors Network. You can find report with video about the meeting (January 22-23, Budapest; participants 20 persons, their accommodations were covered by IFIA) on . I would like to give short printed summary of this meeting here:
IFIA work in 2006 – Report (see:
Commercialization of inventions: IFIA provided free booths on GENIUS Budapest (total 2000 sqm, 344 inventions from 20 IFIA organizations). IFIA organized and paid collective invention presentations (Belgrade, Taipei, Zagreb, Bucharest, Novi Sad and Seoul).
Conferences: “Condition of Inventions” (Budapest),
Cultural events: “Cartoonist and their Inventions” and “Stamps – Inventors & Inventions” exhibitions (Budapest).
IFIA Declaration 2007 (see: )
The IFIA would like to draw the world’s attention to problems of intellectual property protection. These are: widening patent protection and equal chances in patenting. The IFIA Declaration is about these two key problems (see: attached document). I would like to ask IFIA members to send this declaration to the authorities (Government, legislation etc.) of their countries (translation is recommended). IFIA Office sends it to the international organizations (e.g. WIPO, UN, EU etc.)
World Cup of Computer Implemented Inventions (CIIs) Project (see:
CII is the newest invention class. We would like to popularize this invention form and its protection. Therefore IFIA will organize world wide competition, exhibition, and business event for Computer Implemented Inventions. In 2007 will be semifinals: for Asia, Africa and Australia (September 27-30, Taipei) and for Europe and America (November 1-4, Nuremberg). IFIA will provide free booth for the participants. (see: attached information)
I would like to ask the IFIA members: collect CIIs in their countries and assist to prepare the application forms which have to be sent to the IFIA Office.
IFIA Working Program 2007 (see: )
The ExCo compiled the Program of 2007 (see attached document). The main parts of this are IFIA official events: Semifinals of World Cup and two exhibitions with IFIA Conference, Merignac (September 21-24) and Belgrade (November 28-29). IFIA Office will organize collective invention shows on all exhibitions, the applications are welcome.
Finally, the basic of any cooperation with IFIA is the membership, which is indicated by paid member fee. Your invoice concerning IFIA member fee is enclosed. May I ask you to pay by remittance to IFIA bank use our IBAN code: CH15 0027 9279 C8-108.868.2. This way is simple, cheaper and faster than a bank check.
I am waiting for your applications. I hope you can find Computer Implemented Inventions to participate on the World Cup from your country.
Sincerely yours,
András Vedres IFIA President