IFIA General Assembly – 2012
connecting to the 7th International
Exhibition of Inventions
9-12 November -
Kunshan, China
November 26,
2012 |
Brief Report (see
the Circular No 12) |
The IFIA President had convened
the IFIA General Assembly 2012 on the evidence of IFIA Statutes - Article 6
according to follows:
9 November, 14:00 - 18:00 hours
Kunshan Convention & Exhibition Center, Qianjin East
Rd.388, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, China
http://www.kscec.com/ connecting to the 7th International
Exhibition of Inventions (9-12 November)
China Association of Inventions (http://www.cainet.org.cn/English/index.asp);
Main organizer and contact: Mr. YANG Yifeng, Department of International
Cooperation, CAI and IFIA ExCo member (yang-yf@live.cn
Calling of the delegates
by President:
The following delegations of IFIA full
members (with voting right) were present from:
Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Czech Rep., Egypt, Germany, Hungary,
Iran, Korea, Rep. of, Macedonia, Malaysia, Philippines,
Slovenia, Sweden, Syria, Ukraine.
Opening the session:
The President asked the
IFIA directors ( Husein Hujic and Adam Rylski) to seat at
the presidium table. He had asked Mr. Adam Rylski to prepare the Minutes of GA.
The President proposal:
- Reports about the work of the
IFIA members and the IFIA Office from the last GA (2010) – reported by
delegates and IFIA President (time limit is maximum 4 minutes by
- Financial report of IFIA
- Working to year 2014
- Election of ExCo members for
years 2012 – 2014
- Member fee
- Next GA
This Agenda was unanimously approved.
1. Report by the President, years 2010 – 2012
The IFIA Office Works in 2010:
- Establish of „Árpád Bogsch
Memory Medal”
- IFIA visit on Shanghai Expo and
conference „Education, Science and Innovation” in Minhag High School
- Collective participation on
IBTIKAR and ExCo meeting in Jeddah
- Collective participation on
ARCA 2010
- Collective participation on
IWIS and ExCo meeting
- 3rd Celebration of the
International Inventors’ Day, Presentation of Cultural Innovations,
General Assembly, connected the IENA Nuremberg
The IFIA Office Works in 2011:
- 2nd World Cup of Computer
Implemented Inventions and CII Festival and Conference, Kaoshiung
- Campaign for the EU Patent
- Letter to the US President
Barack Obama
- 4th Celebration of the
International Inventors’ Day, Collective presentation of inventions,
ExCo meeting, Stockholm
- World Competition of Green
Inventions on IENA
- World Competition of Chemical
Inventions on IWIS
The IFIA Office Works in 2012:
- Collective presentation on the
INPEX Pittsburgh
- 5th Celebration of Celebration
of the International Inventors’ Day connected to the ARCA - Zagreb
- 2nd World Competition of Green
Invention and ExCo meeting connected to the IENA, Nuremberg
This report was unanimously approved.
2. Financial report of IFIA 2010 – 2011
IFIA incomes from 2010
Income 2010……. 8 616$.......12 950€
Income 2011…... 16 610$........ 1 870€
Income 2012……..1 600$............300€
Balance in 2010:
USD 20 977 EURO 4 806 HUF -3 516 806
Balance in 2011:
USD 17 929 EURO 1 883 HUF -4 198 052
Remark: The the Hungarian governmental guarantee
concerning to yearly support for the IFIA Office was presented on the last
IFIA GA by Mr. Janos Latorcai (Vice President of the Hungarian Parliament)
before the election of Mr. Vedres. This financial support (10 million HUF/year)
had no been granted. The costs of the IFIA Office in Budapest is paid by
the IFIA President.
The balance sheets were approved by the ExCo.
financial report
was unanimously
3. Plans and Policy years 2010 – 2014
represent the inventors interest
for simple and cheap protection of inventions
against the inventor scams
higher social appreciation for inventors
Invention marketing
Organization of efficient and cheap invention
Organization of competitions
Increasing the judgment level on exhibitions,
The first IFIA event in 2013 be on February 2 - 7 in
IRAN. The applications concerning to the IFIA event status (criteria: free
booth and other supports for IFIA members) must be sent until January
31, 2013 to the IFIA Office. The IFIA ExCo will accept the applications
which will be published on the IFIA web until February 20, 2013.
Growth of inventor movement by development of the IFIA
Organizing of new members
Better cooperation between members
Income increasing
This Plans and Policy was unanimously approved.
4.) |
4. Election of ExCo members for years 2012 – 2014
The mandate of the present ExCo
is finished now. Thanks for the work:
Choi Jong-hyug/Shin Kyoung-ho,
Alireza Rastegar, Augustine S. H. Ong, Yang Yifeng, Ana Hafner, Khaled
Naswan, Idrissa Hassane Souley, Joel Shaka Momodu, Lennart Nilson, Fuad A.
Al-Awwad/Mohammad Alfawzan, Octavian Plesa, Virgilio Malang, Vladimir
Petriasov, Pavel Dlohy, and Jánnos Szöllösy.
Proposed IFIA ExCo
- China - Mr. Yang, Yifeng
- Czech Rep. - Mr. Pavel Dlohy
- Hungary - Mr. Janos Szöllösy
- Iran - Mr. Alireza Rastegar
- Korea Rep. - Mr. Shin Kyoung-ho
- Malaysia - Mr. Augustine S. H.
- Nigeria - Mr. Joel Shaka Momodu
- Philippines - Mr. Virgilio
- Romania - Mr. Octavian Plesa
- Russia - Mr. Vladimir Petriasov
- Saudi Arabia - Mr. Mohammad
- Slovenia - Ms. Ana Hafner
- Sweden - Mr. Cenneth Lindkvist
- Ukraine - Mr. Jurij Skomorovsky
- Yemen - Mr. Khaled Naswan dr.
These persons were
5.) |
fee for years 2012 – 2014
The majority of members had no pay their member fee. The GA requests the
IFIA members to settle their debts.
This was unanimously approved.
6.) |
6. Next GA
The President proposal:
The date and venue of the next General Assembly in
2014 be determined by the ExCo.
The next GA duty: Election of President and ExCo
GA acknowledged this proposal.
The President closed this session at 17:45 |

Presidium: Husein Hujic, Adam Rylski, András Vedres the
President and participants