a MAFE szerepléséről
MAFE tíz találmánnyal szerepelt Oroszország legnagyobb szabású innovációs
eseményén, ahol közel ötszáz műszaki alkotást mutattak be. Az eseményen
megjelent több miniszter, számos üzletember és sok látogató.

MAFE stand Moszkvában

A. A. Furszenko Tudományos
és Oktatási Miniszter megnyitója

Miniszteri látogatás a
magyar standon

Az orosz tv és a moszkvai
rádió riportokat készített velünk

Érdeklődők a forgalom analizátor iránt
A díjakról
A zsűri 8 érmet, és két
elismerő diplomát ítélt a magyar találmányoknak az alábbiak szerint:
Elismerő diploma:
Kovácsné-Rápolti, Gabriella:
Volatile-oil medicine
The volatile-oil (lavender,
menthe, citrus etc.) is dissolved in edible oil. Capsules are made in
usual ways which are contain this oil mixture. This capsules or their
combination are oral applied according to different therapy.
Sebestyén, Vilmos:
Electrical toothbrush
An electric motor rotates a
special brush head, which is consist of spiral oriented bristles. The half
part of the brush head is protected by a cover. The power of electric
motor and rotating direction are variable.
Horváth, István dr.:
Artificial blood
The starting material is
the isolated animal hemoglobin which is bonded to pure cholesterol “microcapsule”.
This is a solid material which is dissolved in physiological solution
before the application. The animal hemoglobin gives opportunity in
unlimited quantities; the cholesterol “microcapsule” is giving real
blood effects and long life in the circulation. On the basis of
preliminary in vitro and in vivo examination, the artificial blood can
satisfy all requirements.
Kiss, Lukács: Inhaler
against allergy
This is an 11 x 5 cm
cylindrical turning round frame with one incoming and one outgoing slot.
Space between the multi-layer filters is filled by a special salt mixture,
sufficient for 3-4 years.
Nádas, Béla dr.:
Counter-piston mechanism
The invented counter-piston
mechanism makes also possible the perfect, vibration free operation of
engines having two or four pistons and the easy, momentary variation of
stroke length (travel) of the pistons during operation.
Ökrös, Pál:
Fully electronic grey-water reusing washing machine
The filtered and
disinfected “Grey Water” (water from washing machine and bath/shower) is
pumped by the stronger than usual washer pump(s) into the “Grey Water”
tank built in one body with the washer, from where it is used to flush the
The grey-water tank is
provided at different heights with water sensors indicating scaled
grey-water quantities, and the smaller clean-water tank inside the
grey-water tank (for secondary flushing) is also provided at different
heights with water sensors indicating scaled clean-water quantities, which
water sensors send signals to the central electronic control unit of the
washing machine, and the control unit, on basis of the water sensor
signals regulates the electromagnetic grey-water and clean water valves
mounted onto the grey-water pipe connecting the grey-water tank to the
toilet, and onto the clean-water pipe connecting the clean-water tank to
the toilet bowl, respectively, by opening and closing said valves, in
harmony, according to a predetermined operating program, satisfying the
timely flushing quantity needs. The floating buoys as mechanical parts can
be eliminated, or can be left in space for secondary security system, to
overcome electronic problems and/or eventual power cut, ensuring the
flawless operation of the flushing system.
Csorba, József: Pressed
sewerage system
The invented plastic drain
shaft with a special pump and the Y-profile installed in the sewerage with
specific air eye on tube wall altogether guarantees an odorless fast move
of sewage-water without pumping it backwards. The references are more than
hundred Hungarian settlements.
Osbáth, Sándor
– Zalai, Tibor: Traffic speed meter with analyst
This system
consist a speed detector by radar to display the speed connecting a
microcomputer which stores the data of time, number of vehicles, speed
etc. These data are transfer to a central computer for statistical
evaluation of the traffic dynamism.
Hidvégi, Valéria: Puzzle
toys kit
The toy kit consists of
elements of varied shapes, which ensure possibilities for establishing
several combinations by selecting the elements the dimension and shape of
which suit the given basic dimension. The elements can be fitted to each
other in many combinations due to their shapes. The elements are fixed by
magnetic force.
Szőcs, István: Automatic
fire fighting apparatus
The automatically operated
foam based fire extinguishing equipment embodying the invention has a
tank, a unit for spreading the fire extinguishing foam, a pipeline and a
main valve fitted into the pipeline, as well as a sensor, and the essence
of the invention is that the tank is a foam tank having a gas space, and
it stores the foam generating material, the water, and the compressed
mixture of foam generating and propelling gas, which is dissolved or
emulsifiable in the solution of the said foam generating material and