Sponsors and Supporters
of the Inventors' World Meeting

wipo.gif (3792 bytes) WIPO
World Intellectual
Property Organization
kisifial.gif (1292 bytes) IFIA
International Federation
of Inventors' Associations
cimer.jpg (4005 bytes) Ministry of Industry,
Trade and Tourism

(Inventors Olympic Games,
business forums)
National Committee for
Technological Development

Hungarian Patent Office
(International Symposium,
printing, computer hardware)
Danubia Patent and
Trademark Attorneys

(Celebration of IFIA's  Jubilee)
SBG&K Patent
and Law Offices

(IFIA's Cartoon Exhibition
and "Press and Inventors
in the Same Boat" Reception)
mtesz.gif (3062 bytes) MTESZ
(Rooms for the
International Symposium)
datanet.jpg (21681 bytes)
Datanet Co.  (Internet services)