Nominated collective exhibitors

1. Belgium -  Chambre Belge des Inventeurs  
2. China -  China Association of Inventors  
3. Croatia -  Association of Croatian Inventors  
4. Estonia -  Estonian Inventors Association  
5. Finland -  Finnish Inventors' Association  
6. Georgia -  Association of Inventors and Rationalizators of Georgia  
7. Germany -  DEV  
8. Hungary -  MAFE, MISZ, Danubia Patent & Trademark Attorneys  
9. Macedonia -  IPPO of Macedonia  
10. Moldavia -  State University of Moldova, Moldavian Inventors Association  
11. Netherlands -  NOVU  
12. Philippines -  Filipino Inventors Society  
13. Poland -  Association of Polish Inventors  
14. Romania -  Kriterion Foundation  
15. Russian Federation - Yakut State University, Dial-Panov Sant-Peterburg  
16. Slovakia -  IPO of Slovakia  
17. Slovenia -  SPIM  
18. Spain -  INFOJOVE  
19. Switzerland -  ASI  
20. Ukraine -  Vinnytsia State University  
21. United Kingdom - Janko's Inventor Partners  
22. USA -   INPEX  
23. Uzbekistan -  Patent Office of Uzbekistan  
24. Yugoslavia -  SPATUJ - Inventors Club of Subotica