2nd Inventors' Olympiad - GENIUS 2000 Budapest, Virtual Exhibition

Registry number: B-004 Category: B Country: Hungary
Inflatable microbus seat
The invention
  • The problem to be solved:
    Who has a microbus knows what a time-consuming thing is to take out and put in the seats, which are necessary when carrying the family. These cars are usually used for transport for goods. So it gives everybody a lot of troubles. So (like an air mattress), we can simplify it with a practical solution, with the inflatable seat.
  • Definition:
    Inflatable seat, which helps to transform our microbus into passenger service, and back.
  • Presentation:
    The invention is 50x50 cm high, it is a folding machine. And there is an elastic seat form in it. The essence of the problem is that, when we blow air through the valve into it, the elastic form is being full with air. The convertible wings - which are 3 cm thick - is opening, and this is the stay of the seat. It makes stronger two telescopes inside it, when it is rising. It can be deflated in the same way.


  • Application:
    You can use that, in other cars where there is room for it (for example in boats).
  • Advantages:
    Its advantage is simplicity.
  • Stage of development:
    The first prototype
  • Documentation available:
The inventor(s)
  • Name(s): Zsolt ANTONI

  • Self introduction:
    He is 30 years old man, he works in the private sector, married, he has a son.
The protection
  • Form: Exhibition priority
  • Priority: 04.05.2000
  • Countries where it is force:
Business intention: I would like to sell the right of manufacture or I would like to search for investor to the manufacture.
  • Name: Zsolt Antoni
  • E-mail: vanex@mail.externet.hu
  • Fax: +36-78-321-362
  • Address: H-6237 Kecel, Thokoly str. 17. Hungary