2nd Inventors' Olympiad - GENIUS 2000 Budapest, Virtual Exhibition

Registry number: A/2-232 Category: A/2 Country: Hungary
Appliance for carbonic acid-water bath (Bio-Bad)
The invention
  • The problem to be solved: to prevent, cure cardiac/cardiovascular troubles and impeded circulation, as well as rheumatic pains.
  • Definition: This is a mobil device for prodcing of carbonic acid water bath.
  • Presentation:
    Both versions provide the curing effect of the already known effervescent bath, as their basic option, but in addition they provide the chance of extending the area of cure and speeding up, making more effective the whole process by adding certain substances to intensify the healing. There is no better cure than the prevention.

    Upon the instructions of a doctor, more determined and professional medical treatment of certain diseases/troubles may be aimed at, if applying specific substances perfect to intensify the healing process of certain diseases/troubles.

    The appliance works with a big CO2 cartridge distributed by Linde Mo. Rt. and can be assembled to be ready for operation within 5 to 6 minutes.


  • Application: Bath
  • Advantages:
    The appliance of 1.5 kilo provides the curing effect of the already known effervescent bath, upon the physician’s advice.
    It is not the patient to go in an effervescent bath, but the chance to get cured goes to the patient.
    Just one appliance is enough
    to make a carbonic medicinal bath, medicinal bath with carbonic acid gas.
  • Stage of development: Product
  • Documentation available: Yes
The inventor(s)
  • Name(s): József TÖRÖK, Tamás TÖRÖK, Péter TÖRÖK, László RÉVÉSZ
  • Self introduction:
    József TÖRÖK pensioner, had been busy for 20 years in developing medical appliances, Tamás TÖRÖK technician, Péter TÖRÖK supersonic airplane mechanic.
    László RÉVÉSZ collaborator
The protection
  • Form: Patent
  • Priority:
  • Countries where it is force: Hungary
Business intention: Lookig for distributors
  • Name: Bio-Bad Kft.
  • E-mail: genius@inventor.hu
  • Fax:
  • Phone: +361 208 1570
  • Address: H-1116 Budapest, Sáfrány u. 44., Hungary