2nd Inventors' Olympiad - GENIUS 2000 Budapest, Virtual Exhibition

Registry number: A/2-152 Category: A/2 Country: Hungary
Inhalation-pipe (MiniHelp)
The invention
  • The problem to be solved:
    The aim was to create an easy to keep at hand and simple to use inhaler that is always available for the efficient treatment of the catarrh in the upper respiratory tract without the disadvantages of the usual, troublesome inhalation methods.
  • Definition:
    The object of the invention is a healing effect preparation, that is not classified as medicine and, it is a small, cylindrical, plastic case with a mouthpiece containing a mixture of volatile oils and menthol that is absorbed in a gauze roll.
  • Presentation:
    The inhalation-pipe consists of an approximately 3 cm long, one and a half cm diameter cylindrical body with the attached approximately 1 cm long, thin mouthpiece. Its inner cavity is closed at both ends with properly fitting caps that are to be snap off during its use. The gauze roll, found inside the body of the inhalation-pipe, stores the mixture of the active ingredients, that are absorbed in it during its manufacture and, just after the absorption the whole inhalation-pipe is packed in an aluminium foil envelope sealing it using a wide sealing. The sealed aluminium envelop assures that the volatile-oil and menthol contents be preserved safely for a long time. To use the inhalation-pipe open one of the ends of the aluminium foil, take off the inhalation-pipe and after snapping off the end caps put the mouthpiece into the mouth. The air inhaled through it is mixed in an ideal rate with the volatile active ingredient contents of the inhalation-pipe. By inhaling deeply the air through the inhalation-pipe, keeping it inside for a while, then exhaling it through the nose it makes possible the uniform treatment of the upper and lower respiratory tracts. It is recommended to inhale the active ingredients two to three times in each case and, this treatment procedure may also be repeated even more times a day. In the meantime, the evaporation of the volatile oils can be prevented by snapping on the end caps and putting it back again into the aluminium foil envelope, this way, the active ingredient contents of one inhalation-pipe will be sufficient for a few days of use.


  • Application:
    It can be used in all of the cases when inhalation required with an equal composition active ingredient contents.
  • Advantages:
    Due to its aroma retaining metal foil packaging the efficiency of the inhalation-pipe is kept for long time. It has small dimensions, thus by holding it in the pocket or in a handbag it is always available. Due to its high purity and proper composition active ingredient contents its use can substitute the troublesome, traditional inhalation procedure with equal efficiency.
  • Stage of development:
    The inhalation-pipe, called MiniHelp, is already marketed as healing effect product.
  • Documentation available: Yes
The inventor(s)
  • Name(s): Dr. Béla NÁDAS

  • Self introduction: The inventor is 46 years old, physician, gastro-enterologist.
The protection
  • Form: utility model (registration no.: 939 U)
  • Priority: 30 May, 1996.
  • Countries where it is force: Hungary
Business intention: The inventor is looking for wholesale dealers engaged in the marketing of pharmaceutical products and medicinal herbs to market his product.
  • Name: Dr. Béla NÁDAS
  • E-mail: genius@inventor.hu
  • Fax:
  • Address: H-1137 Budapest, Budai Nagy Antal u. 6. Hungary