2nd Inventors' Olympiad - GENIUS 2000 Budapest, Virtual Exhibition

Registry number: A/2-053 Category: A/2 Country: Hungary
Fishing float made of bubble
The invention
  • The problem to be solved:
    To create such a fishing float which has a small body but to be able to hold a relatively big counterweight in order to be better throwable.
  • Definition:
    It would be a fishing float made of glazier, elastic light material filled by hydrogen with a counterweight and an indicating antenna.
  • Presentation:
    It is a fishing float of which body is capable of spreading by pressure increase. It is made of rubber or plastic. The body,as a bubble, is filled by light gas, closed at the two ends and equipped with the usual components (indicating antenna, counterweight, control ear...). If the material has excellent quality it can slowly sink even in the air.
    For that reason it is able to hold bigger counterweights in the water. Up to now traditional material used in float production has been corkwood, its stuff consistency is 250-500 kg/m3. On the contrary the stuff consistency of hydrogen is 0,08987 kg/m3. For this reason if it is made of bubble a smaller body would be suitable as well.We can provide the float with different kind of streching equipments.Which have to be inside of the body in order to change the shape of it.


  • Application: Fishing.
  • Advantages:
    It can reduce the surface of the float depending on the throwing weight. Different kinds of forms could be made. Moreover during usage the shape of it can be changed.
  • Stage of development:
    Research state, no serial production, there are some proto-types.
  • Documentation available: Yes, description.
The inventor(s)
  • Name(s): DRÉHER, Szabolcs and CSENGERI, Árpád
  • Self introduction:
    Dréher, Szabolcs; age:29, He has been dealing with technical inventions for ten years.
    Csengeri, Árpád; age:29, He is a patent holder.
The protection
  • Form: Exhibition priority
  • Priority: from 04/05/2000
  • Countries where it is force:
Business intention: To sell the invention to the firm which wants to get exclusive right.
  • Name: CSENGERI, Árpád
  • E-mail: handy2@freemail.hu
  • Address: DRÉHER, Szabolcs H-3213 Atkár, Attila u 1., Hungary