2nd Inventors' Olympiad - GENIUS 2000 Budapest, Virtual Exhibition

Registry number: A/2-030 Category: A/2 Country: Hungary
Artificial ski trail, slide-way
The invention
  • The problem to be solved:
    In summer no skiing is possible owing to lack of snow. The main aim of the invention was to find a solution that enables skiing or other similar sports activity, not only in winter but also in summer, by developing a slippy artificial surface that can be laid down on a downhill.
  • Definition:
    The invention makes possible the "water-skiing" downhill, that is the first solution in the world that facilitates it by retaining the water to freely flow down on a sloping surface by maintaining a continuous water layer on the surface that enables the skiing or other similar sports activity, not only in winter but also in summer.
  • Presentation:
    The object of the invention is a water-tight plastic layer that can be laid down on a properly prepared and elastic base sloping surface. There are crosswise micro-terraces formed on the upper face of the plastic layer. The micro-terraces are separated from each other by flexible walls closed at both ends. Making flow water from the top over the sloping surface it slowly flows through the holes made for this purpose and within a certain time the water will cover the whole sloping surface, since, these micro-terraces are retaining the free water flow maintaining a continuous water layer that results in a slide-way. When the skiing person is sliding down using a proper sliding implement (similar to a snowboard, a ski, but it can also be a small boat like one) he can apply a downwards pressure at the crosswise ribs (side walls of the micro-terraces) that become inclined and the water escapes laterally that results in an increased friction making him possible to obtain the necessary and proper adhesion force to change his state of movement. When the person sliding down leaves this point the ribs become unbent again and the water flowing continuously downwards refills the partially empty micro-terraces.

  • Application:
    It can be used in existing ski trails and runs or other downhill where the infrastructure can profitably be utilised for sports activity not only in winter but also in summer. It can also be operated in summer free time complexes, aquatic-parks as a new aquatic attraction facilitating the active free-time amusement that offers more freedom then the actual ones.
  • Advantages:
    The invented artificial ski trail facilitates to enjoy the skiing (sliding down) in such parts of the world, too, where, due to climatic conditions, features of the ground and economical situation, this kind of sports activity could not be done and, nobody should even dream of doing such a thing. Its has a minimum of energy requirement. Increases significantly the exploitation of the built up winter ski-paradises.
  • Stage of development:
    A demonstration model is available.
  • Documentation available: Yes
The inventor(s)
  • Name(s): Csongor CZINTOS
  • Self introduction:
    The inventor is 45 years old, qualified mechanical engineer since 1979. He worked in the fields of public utility design, construction and operation, in the metal-industry, and in the lighting engineering, at first as employed and later as self-employed.
The protection
  • Form: patent application
  • Priority: 21 June, 1999.
  • Countries where it is force:
Business intention: The inventor should like to sell the licence and he is looking for development co-operation partner and joint venture manufacture partner.
  • Name: Csongor CZINTOS
  • E-mail: czintosc@matavnet.hu
  • Fax: +36-76 483-297
  • Phone: +36-76 483-272 or +36-76 323-675
  • Address: H-6000 Kecskemét, Csáky u. 3. Hungary